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Blind!Dirk AU u_u it's inspired by the blind!dirk au that you can find on alexissam's channel!

A gentle humming came from Jake as he placed the plates on the dinner table, smiling at his handiwork. The smell of freshly cooked food and the sort-of-alive flowers wafted around the kitchen, sweet and savor mixed into one weirdly nice scent. Normally, Jake wasn't really a cook, but he decided on tackling this particular hurdle for his and Dirk's time together for today.

Jake nodded to himself, returning to the stove. It wasn't particularly a special occasion, but he wanted to do something different for tonight. Plus, it wasn't every day that he and Dirk got to have a well-cooked dinner. Usually, it was just them eating sandwiches or Crocker-Craft Mac and Cheese in front of the couch while watching TV.

After a couple of minutes of stirring some spices in a pot, a loud yell came from the basement. "Oh, shi-" Along with the shout was the sound of glass breaking. Dread filled Jake as he dropped the pot and headed to the basement, opening the door quickly. What just happened?

"Dirk, are you alright?" Jake asked, concerned. His eyes widened at the sight before him; Dirk laying across the cement floor, face down and still. Panic was added to the mess of emotions that had overtaken him, overflowing the cup he had precariously balanced.

"Dirk!" he cried, but after a moment, it occurred to him.

"Wait..." Jake muttered, narrowing his eyes.

Of course.

"I'm not falling for that crap again, chap," Jake said, slightly agitated. He should've known. Dirk had pulled that joke a couple of times before, it was honestly exasperating. Every time Jake had panicked and moved to help him, it ended with the blonde grinning and himself ignoring him for the next ten minutes. The first time was when he really worried about it, he had said something about getting an ambulance while on the verge of tears, and Dirk with his stupid emotionless face had murmured that everything is going dark, I can't see anything... That was when Jake understood, and when he had dropped Dirk to the ground in retaliation.

No, he definitely wouldn't fall for it again.

"I'll be in the kitchen when you grow up," Jake said mockingly, turning to leave. He softened his voice a little bit to say, "We have your favorite for dinner." He chuckled softly before stepping out of the basement and returning to the kitchen to continue cooking.

"Of course I wouldn't take the bait again," he laughed quietly to himself, setting the food on the dishes and putting the dinner on the plates. After all, Dirk had done it before. Jake shook his head before putting his pots and pans away, situating himself at the dining table, and clearing his voice. "Dirk! Dinner's ready!" he yelled down the hall, waiting for the idiotic blonde to show up and hopefully enjoy his dinner. Jake did put a tremendous amount of effort in it (more than he'd like to admit).

"What takes him so long?" he mused to himself, leaning his chair back. Oh well. If Dirk wanted to play the waiting game, then game on.


Ten minutes later was when Jake grew suspicious. Even with all the other times that Dirk had pulled that particular prank on him, it only took a few moments before he gave up the act. But after that crash and the broken glass sound, the house was quiet. Too quiet. Jake stared at the empty seat across from him at the dinner table before huffing and standing up, the chair being pushed with a loud squeak that seemed much too loud in the silence of the house. It was... unsettling.

Jake wandered over to the basement where Dirk was, ready to tell him off. If he was working on those robots for the past ten minutes, Jake wouldn't honestly be surprised - Dirk absorbed himself in his work far too much, if you asked him. Pushing open the door and flicking on the lights, Jake noticed that Dirk was still in the same position that he was in before; laying face down on the floor, weirdly still. A wave of concern washed over Jake, a voice in the back of his head telling him that Dirk was not okay, that Dirk shouldn't be there that long. But then again, he was dating a Strider. Dirk went above and beyond for some things, and Jake was certain that these pranks were one of them. He gave a loud sigh, stepping down and walking towards Dirk.

"Dirk, I've been waiting for ten minutes, come on." He stood above him, crossing his arms. When he didn't move, Jake rolled his eyes. "Dirk. The prank's over, you can stop it now." Still, the blonde was unmoving. Jake groaned and reached down, grabbing Dirk's shoulder and shaking him.

"Dirk." Jake's eyes wandered to Dirk's head. Next to him were his triangle shades. However, they weren't on his face, and one of the lenses seemed to be cracked, the other one with the top broken off. That was the next red flag; Dirk cared about his shades a lot - to the point where he literally had an old museum case to put them in during the night - and it definitely wasn't like him to break them just for a silly, overplayed prank. Jake scrunched up his face in confusion before turning to his boyfriend. "Dirk?"

He rolled Dirk over onto his back.

Jake's hands flew up to his mouth, a strangled gasp falling out his lips. A trail of blood dripped from the side of Dirk's head to the floor, and his face was blank. But... it wasn't the blank face Jake knew. Dirk's face was blank, sure, but never emotionless. He always had this little hint in his expression that clued you in on how he was really thinking. It was a trait that he developed over the years of hanging out with Jake and the others. Beforehand, no one could really tell how Dirk was. His face was as empty as it was now. No clues as to how he was feeling, and his voice matched too. But eventually, they managed to squeeze a little emotion out of him, whether it was a smile or a frown or the scrunch of his eyebrows. A little hint of a grin that Jake adored. Even the occasional tear, but those were few and far between. But it was there. There wasn't any emptiness anymore. It was enough.

Now, it looked as if Dirk had gone back to his old ways, and it was scary. What was scarier, was that his eyes were open, glazed, and he wasn't breathing.

Fuck, he isn't breathing.

"Dirk!" Jake dropped to his knees, palms sweaty, shaking as he reached for Dirk's body. It wasn't cold, but it definitely wasn't the warmth that the boy was used to. He sucked in a breath, cradling Dirk's head close to his chest, fighting the tears that threatened to escape his eyes. Didn't Dirk use to refrain from crying? How did he do it?

"No, no, no. It's not- you can't be dead. This is just-" he sniffed, "This has to be your pranks, right? Dirk, p-pal? Answer- answer me, please..." Jake cried out sorrowfully before wrapping his arms tightly around the body in his arms, sobbing as he stumbled over his words. "You- you can't be dead! We weren't, it wasn't supposed to be like th-this!" He held on tighter. "Dirk, answer me!"

Nevertheless, Jake never got a response. "I was supposed to be your- your caretaker," he mumbled, voice cracking and breaking. "And you- you..." More tears ran down the sides of his face, dripping onto Dirk's tank-top. "How could I have..." Lurching over again, Jake cried harder, broken weeps continuing well into the night.

And this time, there was no one around to hear nor see him.

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