Baby Is Born/Adopted

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Jared: Your baby girl was born in May
- On the 18th
-He'd never really thought about kids before you had told him you were pregnant, he didn't even think he wanted kids.
- But that all changed the day your daughter arrived
- He was so nervous when your water broke, he really was in no way prepared.
-"It's time?" he asked, and you could tell he was nervous.
-"Mhm, you mind driving?"
- Seeing you so calm soothed him a little
-He let you grab his hand as hard as you needed and wanted.
-"You're doing you need to grab my hand har- yep, okay."
- He would run his fingers though your hair, trying to ease you a little
- It wasn't nearly as painful as you were expecting, but it still didn't feel great
- His entire world changed again when he heard your daughters first cry
- It took his breath away
- "(Y/N)-" but he couldn't find the words he wanted to say, instead he looked at you with the softest expression, something you'd never seen him wear.
- You knew your little family was going to be perfect and that even though it was a little unplanned, it was exactly what was supposed to happen.
- He kissed you about a dozen times in the span of five minutes
- He'd never been so happy, so grateful.

Paul: Your baby boy was born in August
- On the 23rd
- He'd been so anxious and excited through the entire pregnancy
-Was surprisingly pretty calm the day your water broke despite the past anxiety
- He'd kept the bag in his truck, so there wouldn't be any forgetting it when it was time
- He'd kept a towel in the seat during your entire pregnancy
-"Can you walk baby, or do you want me to carry you?"
- You needed him to carry you, your baby was coming real quick. The boy was a little more eager than you thought he would've been.
- He lifted you with ease, an excited smile on his face.
- He was by your side the entire time
- Pep talking you, caressing your cheek, holding your hand, all of it.
- When your son came out, he cried.
- It was happy tears though
-"You did it, babe. You did it. I'm so proud of you."
-You felt a sense of pride when you saw the way he was looking at you, when you heard the way he spoke to you.
-He wanted you to be able to hold your son for a while before he held him, and he wanted the three of you to have time alone before you let anyone in the room.
- You wanted them same.
- He'd never felt so thankful, so happy and proud.
-He hadn't known it before, but he'd been waiting his entire life for this moment.

Sam: Your baby girl was born in November
- On the 11th
- He'd been eager the whole time, he was ready to welcome your baby girl into the world.
- He was ready for his life to change again.
- And you were to.
-He was at the store when your water broke, so you drove yourself to the hospital.
- You were feeling up for it
- You called him to let him know and he found it pretty funny that you drove yourself
-It was a slow process, so you had plenty of time.
-He went ahead and took the groceries home then made his way to the hospital.
- "Hey honey, you doing all right?"
-He spoke nothing but positive words the entire time.
-He helped deliver your daughter to.
-And just like you both knew it would, your lives changed completely, once again.
-Once the doctors had left and you were finally alone with your girl, you shared a smile and he made himself comfortable in the seat next to your bed.
-"I love you, more now than ever. Thank you."
- He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead
-And you smiled in return

Leah: Your baby boy was adopted in March
- On the 4th
- After you pulled away from the embrace, the both of you got in the car and went to the adoption center.
-You were both so giddy, it almost felt like you couldn't breathe.
-You would squeeze her hand and she would squeeze yours in return.
-It was nerve-wracking, but in a good way.
- You both knew everything was going to be okay, more so when the final papers were signed and the woman came in holding your son in her arms.
-He was the most beautiful thing either of you had ever seen.
- Leah turned to you happily, her smile soft and her eyes bright.
- You smiled back and then turned to look at the tiny, aware child in front of you.
- You let Leah hold him first
- You'd never felt so good
- "Welcome to the family, buddy," Leah said in a soft, sing-song voice.
-This was the moment the three of you had been living, waiting for.

Edward: Your little girl was adopted in April
- On the 12th
- You were waiting, that was all there was to do then
- You were nervous, but it was an okay feeling. You were too happy for it to bug you.
- Edward sent you a reassuring smile and ran his thumb over the top of your hand, letting you know that everything was going to be all right.
- And you believed it once your daughter was brought into the room.
- She was even more beautiful than you remembered.
- You didn't think it was possible to love anyone more than you loved Edward, but you were proved wrong, so, so wrong.
- This little girl had your entire heart, and his too.
- Your daughter was smiling at the both of you
-She was given to you, and she seemed so small for a six month old. But you didn't ever want to let her go.
- Edward touched her hand with his finger and she happily grabbed it.
- "Ready to go home?"
-And she grinned up at the both of you and let out a gleeful laugh
- And it was in that moment that you realized that home was no longer a place, but two people that meant the world to you.

Emmett: Your little girl was adopted in June
- On the 28th
-Emmett sent you one last reassuring smile before you walked through the doors, and you returned it.
-Your fingers interlocking, you have his hand a squeeze.
- When you took your seats, your daughter was brought in, she was holding hands with the woman assigned to her, waddling through the door.
-Your entire world flipped, your world was her now.
- She was wearing the cutest grin you'd ever seen.
- You felt your heart swell, "Hey, sweet girl!"
- The woman let go of your hand and your daughter made her way to you, holding her arms up indicating that she wanted you to hold her. You gladly did.
- Emmett put a hand on your shoulder with a smile, "Ready to head home?"
-Your daughter wrapped her arms around your neck, you turned to Emmett with a soft expression, "Yeah."

Jasper: Your baby boy was adopted in September
- On the 3rd
- It really was the best day of your lives, you had found something-someone else to live for, someone else to share your heart with.
- And the small boy brought in had captivated you both, you'd never felt a love so strong.
- Jasper felt like he had finally found his place in the world, as your husband and the father of your son. Life finally made sense, it was all worth it now.
-He'd never been more gentle than he was that day, afraid that if he moved to much or made one move, he would break the sweet, innocent child.
- You watched as he held your child with care, looking at him in awe. You couldn't help but she'd a tear.
- Everything in your life had been leading you to this moment, this one perfect, precious moment.
- Jasper looked over to you with a grin, "We're a family. We've got a son."
- You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, "We're a family and we've got a son!"

Alice: You didn't have children.

Rosalie: Your baby girl was adopted in July
- On the 30th
- This was it, the moment she had been living for.
-The second you walked through the doors, it all became more real.
- She felt her unbeating heart swell.
- She let out a breath and slid her hand into yours.
- You welcomed it and let out a breath of your own.
- This was it.
- It'd been so long since you'd seen something so pure and innocent
- And there she was, your entire world, held carefully by the woman assigned to her.
- Three months, she was three months old and so small.
-Rosalie looked to you with a grin, she didn't need to use words, you could understand everything in that one look.
- You grinned back then turned back to your beautiful daughter who was being handed to Rosalie.
- This was your entire world right here, your beautiful wife and your beautiful daughter.
- That was all you needed. That was all she needed.
-"Let's go home."

Bella: You didn't have children.

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