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Xever's POV
I watched through the security cameras as Shredder strutted into the metal cell. The turtle known as Michelangelo struggled against the chains, trying to stand up but falling back down due to his injuries.
As Shredder drew nearer the turtle stopped struggling but kept eye contact with his captor.

Mikey's POV 
I glared at Shredder, hoping my fear wouldn't show. He put his face down to my level, only a rulers length away.
'Turtle we can do this the easy way' he said as his blades shot out of were ever he keeps them, 'or we can do this the fun way'
I whimpered but immediately wished I hadn't.
I look of satisfaction crossed Shredders face.
He raised his hand. I winced, knowing what was about to happen.

Raph's POV
'Ok are you guys ready' Leo called, his voice strained.
'Yup' I replied
'Donnie!' Leo yelled
The purple masked turtle trudged out of his lab 'Ok so the location might not be 100% accurate but we should get a good idea' he said
'Ok operation rescue mission is go' Leo said
'My sons' it was Splinter 'where are you going? Where is Michelangelo?'
'He didn't come home yesterday' Leo explained were tracked him to a warehouse a few blocks from here'
'Be careful it could be a trap' Splinter warned
'Hai sensei' we all said as we sprinted out of the lair.

Donnie's POV
We were jumping along the roof tops, stoping occasionally so I could check we were going the right way.
I pulled out my t-phone to check our location when something popped up in the screen.
It was a video.! Raph Leo and I!
But that wasn't possible, I don't remember being anywhere like we supposedly were in the clip.
'Guys!' I called 'take a look at this!'
We gathered around the screen and I turned up the volume.
'This is crazy' said the Leo on the screen 'why are we even trying to rescue him?!'
'Because Splinter made us!' The video Raph growled 'like I'd want to bother rescuing that runt!'
'If he's so special why did he get captured in the first place' I chimed but wait, that wasn't actually me!
'Guys' I said (the real me) 'this is a fake!'
'Shhh!' Was their reply
We listened once again

*in the video*
Raph punched the wall behind them 'why did we even try! Now Shredder has got us all. And do you know why? BECAUSE OF STUPID MIKEY!!!!!'
'Raph calm down!' Leo said 'we need to get out of here, we'll just tell Splinter we could find Michelangelo'
The other two nodded.
*end of video*

The brothers looked at each other.
'We have to hurry' Leo said

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