Chapter 2

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Charli's POV

I was scrolling through TikTok looking for a dance or at least a sound to dance to. I didn't see anything so I was about to get off until I saw a girl. Her curly hair was in ping tails, and her eyes was rolled back. Me intrigued, I continue to watch as she did a transition into a clown.

Wow.. that make up tho...

I stalk her page going through her videos and she's kinda...


"Who's cute" my sister said out of nowhere. I jumped  and my phone flew from my hand and landed on the floor.

"Damn it Dixie atleast Knock" I said trying to calm my heart. I go to retrieve my phone and see I liked a video so long ago. Me being verified i know she was gonna see it. I start freaking out.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit"

"What, what happened?" Dixie asked rushing over.

I can't tell her I was stalking a girls TikTok thinking she was cute then accidentally liked a video from 2019... I thought. Why well I don't reaally know if I like her. Second of all I do not wanna hear her smart remarks towards the situation.

"I liked a guys video from a while ago" I lied


Damn it Dixie why are you so nosy

"Nobody" I said hoping she'll drop it.

"Somebody" she pushed. I looked up and ran up stairs. I hear her behind me and then my body hit the floor and my phone was sliding against it. I feel Dixie jump off my back and picks up my phone. I get scared waiting for her to bombard me with questions.

Why are you looking through a girls page? Who is she? What's her name? Why is she a clown? Wh-

"You are looking through a guys page named lilhuddy" she says. I look up at her. Her eyebrow is raised and she has a slight smile spreading across her face. Soon... she burst out laughing. I blush.

What happened to clown girl. God is good I swear.

"Uh.. yea.. lilhuddy.. that's who I was stalking" I said stuttering while getting up. I grabbed my phone from a flustered Dixie as she wheezed.

"You like an E-boy" I rolled my eyes and go to my room. I closed my door and locked it. Still hearing a giggling Dixie. I open my phone and search for this mysterious clown girl. I go to my liked videos and see her.


it fits her perfectly.. I mean I wouldn't know I haven't met her but I don't mind meeting her one day. Then an urge to text her came over me. I checked her following and seen she just hit a million. So I went to text her congratulations.

Congratulations on 17 mil

ThX bebs... I've seen you on my fyp a lot..keep it up cutie 😌

I feel my cheeks heat up from the pet name and couldn't help myself but to smile.

Dixies POV

Meanwhile Dixie finally calmed down from her fit of laughter and went to her room. Bored out of her mind she decided to scroll through TikTok. As she was scrolling she seen a browned haired girl dancing.

Woah she's hot

Dixie is not the type that would fall in love easy. She's not really good at expressing it to people or good at understanding the feeling love. That's why she fucks and move on. No attachment. No hurting. But Dixie couldn't help but look at the girls pearly white smile, beautiful brown eyes, and oh god how she moved that-

Wait a minute dix, got to much dip on your chip.

I shook my head at the thoughts but followed her. Soon she  followed me back. I check her profile. The caption is so cute. Her name is Addison I'm guessing from her username. I stalk through her TikToks admiring her. But as always, when I'm peaceful something has to interrupt it.


I jump at the sudden outburst from my sister.

"The White House" i asked confused.

"No the hype house dumbass" she says in a "duh" tone.

"Uh ok.. when you gotta go there?" I asked sitting on my bed. Still looking at the blonde.

"Saturday" she said nonchalantly. My eyes widen at her response. I quickly looked up at her.


"I know... and your coming with" she said smiling.

"No I'm not" i said standing my ground. She smiled.


"Why do I let you drag me into things like this?" I asked my sister sitting down on the plane.

"Because you love me" she said pulling out her phone. Probably about to make a TikTok.

"And mom and dad said so because they can't"

I rolled my eyes and put my headphones on and drifted to sleep.

A/N  it's 2:09 am and I'm up writing. Sleep schedule... we don't know her... sleep deprived... she my best friend 🥰

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