Everyones Gonna Be Alright

Start from the beginning

He took 2 as prescribed and headed for the kitchen to get some crackers before he tried to sleep. Rhodey swore that crackers were the best thing to eat when your stomach wasn't accepting a lot of food, the debate whether sprite or ginger ale was the best drink was still flying around the tower though. 

Once he had gotten what he was after he went and sat down on the couch and put his feet on the coffee table before falling asleep to Paw Patrol almost instantly. "Goodnight sir, I'm right here if you need me," Jarvis said quietly, and if AI's could smile that's what he was doing. 

As Tony was still snoozing on the couch at 5:45 am Pepper stepped out of the elevator to eat breakfast before going on a run. She started to turn the lights on bright but she noticed snoring coming from the couch and curiously snuck over to check who it was. Her heart smiled as she saw Tony sleeping straight up with an old, handknitted blanket thrown over him. Her husband amazed her in so many ways one of those ways being that he could fall asleep in any position, anywhere, and at any time he wanted. 

Pepper greeted Jarvis before asking when he went to sleep and how he had been sleeping so far, her heart broke when Jarvis told her how his schedule really was. 

She was cleaning her bowl in the sink as she heard the elevator doors open softly, she began to wonder who had woken up this early considering it was the only day any of them had off in months. Turning around she noticed Bucky had sat at the table with his chin resting on folded arms.

 "Good morning Buck, what's got you up so early?" she asked gently knowing he was still adjusting to this world. Bucky looked up at her as if asking if she was talking to him, and when she smiled at him he answered slowly, "Couldn't sleep much I guess, adjusting to a world you were never supposed to see if kind of a lot to get through.." Pepper felt her heart ache for him, she couldn't imagine having to adjust to a world she didn't know, "You'll be okay, you have us to help you get through this, and for the record, I'm glad you're here with us," she said putting her bowl away and sitting next to him.

Bucky scrunched his eyebrows and sat up, "Really? You're glad I'm here?" he asked like a hurt little kid, Peppers eyes softened and she places a hand on his shoulder. "Of course Bucky, we all have things we're recovering from, though not all of us have been through what you have, we still love you," Pepper said smiling at him as he processed what she had just said. 

Soon Bucky let a small smile show and said, "That's probably the kindest thing anyone's said to me since... since I fell," and he slightly dropped his head. Pepper's heart broke and she gave him a hug, "If you ever need anyone to talk to, you know where my office is," she said warmly and let go of him.

 She stood up and asked Jarvis to have Dunkin deliver 2 boxes of doughnuts and have the team's favorite drinks delivered with them as soon as they opened before she left for her run. "I have to go on a run, I'll be back in 30 minutes to an hour, if you need me to ask Jarvis to call me, I won't be far. Oh and if anyone asks, I wasn't the one who reorganized the cabinets," Pepper said to Bucky before running out the door. He was still letting it soak in that the team actually loved him and wanted him alive, he wasn't used to being wanted or loved, especially not sense the 'civil war'. 

The time was now 6:45 am and Bucky was still sitting at the table, but now he was drawing in one of his notebooks. Steve had came out of the elevator followed by Sam and both of them were going to go on a run and Tony was slowly pulling himself off of the couch, Bucky debated on whether or not to say anything. He sucked in a quiet breath and managed to squeak out, "Good morning guys," before dropping his head again and returning to drawing an old apartment building he had remembered. 

Steve smiled and replied, "Good morning Buck, glad to see you're up," as he went to go through the cabinets, "Oh Pepper ordered doughnuts fo-for everyone before she went on he-her run this morning, I-I overheard her order them as she left," Bucky said nervously as he began to fiddle with the pencil he was using. Sam looked over at Steve with a concerning glance before looking over to Tony who was leaning against the stove with a concerned face as well, "Hey man, since when do you uh, nevermind, have you seen my shoes?" Sam said puzzled. Bucky pointed over to the door and said barely above a whisper, "Under the top rack," and returned to his drawing. 

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