Breaking Point

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"Kaachan we need to run away!"

"DAMN IT DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He ignored the boy

"HOW ABOUT A STUN GRANDE!!" Bakugou shot off a bright explosion

"Kaachan no!"

"You want everything I got All Might? LIKE THAT WASN'T MY PLAN!" He jumped in the air as All Might caught him... by his face

"I never..." He mumbled in All Might's grasp

"HOLD BACK DAMN IT!" The blonde raged sending out small explosions at a rapid rate towards the hero

'Normally if you grab someone's face, they'd eventually try to pull their hand off of it. I guess this kid really is concerned with defeating me no matter the cost!' All Might thought as he slam dunked Bakugou into the ground

"Your rapid fire blasts were weak; hardly more than a sting~" All Might smiled releasing his hand causing Bakugou to gasp out for air

"Where are you going?" He turned around to see Midoriya flash stepping behind him in an instant

"Don't think I already forgotten about you now, young Midoriya-" He teased 

"Are you really going to leave your teammate here and run away?" All Might questioned as his frightening look deepened sending shivers down the boys spine 

'W-Why does he remind me of the Hero Killer right now?' Midoriya questioned as he jumped back

"-and you think that's going to work?" The hero put a hand on his hip

"H-Hey! Move it!" Bakugou shouted as he flew towards All Might as Midoriya was now in his path

"Kaachan! ARGHH!" Midoriya's eyes widened as the two collided forcefully smacking into each other

'Recovery Girl was right-' Komei bit her lip

'Katsuki wants to fight... and Midoriya wants to run away...'

"Incoming heroes... I have a special gift, for the one that wants to run!" All Might jumped down with a metal fence in tow trapping Midoriya in the ground

Bakugou readied himself but before he could do anything All Might was just one step ahead. He punched the boy in the stomach causing him to throw up in the process.

"K-Kaachan! Are you okay?!?" Midoriya shouted as he watched the trembling blonde

Knowing Bakugou's behavior more than anyone else, Midoriya starred in awe before he tried to push himself up 

'If Kaachan can get up after that, I sure can too-'

"Heh, I get why you're so angry young Bakugou-" All Might walked over to the blonde

"Because of young Midoriya's sudden improvement right?"

"But It's much easier to level up if you're a novice, you're wasting your potential..."

"Do you see that?"

"Do you understand me?" All Might pushed

"You still have so much time to grow stronger boy!"

"S-Shut up... All Might..."

"If i'm so bad that I need to get help from a weakling like him... then I rather lose this-"

"D-Do you hear me?" He growled as All Might watched him

"Nice... just remember that's what you said hero-" All Might replied ready to land the final blow

Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now