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Graduation was approaching quickly, whilst her fellow classmates were thoroughly immersed in the celebrations leading up to it, Eleanor didn't find it all too exciting.

In England, there were no graduation ceremonies after sixth form - you'd take your final exam and that would be the end of it until results day. So, considering Eleanor had already taken her final exam and results day was months away, she didn't feel any anticipation for graduation. But she stayed silent and flashed her famous faux smile for the hoards of photos being taken.

That night, Eleanor sat with Charlie on the sofa, a pizza box between them - which Eleanor had barely touched due to her non-existent appetite following her brief death. Bella was with Jacob, so it was just the two of them tonight. They sat in comfortable silence, minus a few commentary quips, as they watched baseball.

Charlie appreciated Eleanor's nonchalant attitude, and the fact that she could appreciate and watch any sport - unlike Bella who found it all horrifically boring.

However, the game was interrupted as shouting erupted from outside. Eleanor shrugged at Charlie when he looked at her questioningly, so they both rushed outside.

Bella struggled between Edward and Jacob, attempting to push the two apart as they practically growled at each other.

Edward's voice was venomous as he spoke, "Wait for her to say the words."

"And she will."

At this point Charlie intervened as Eleanor placed a hand on Bella's shoulder - it was as comforting she could be without feeling too awkward.

"Hey! Hey, easy guys, easy. Let's take it down a notch," Charlie pushed them away from each other, putting himself between them. "Alright, what's going on?"

There was a long moment of unpleasant silence, the tension thick in the air.

"I kissed Bella."

Eleanor's grip tightened on Bella's shoulder in surprise, she was shocked at how well Edward was taking it.

"And she broke her hand. Punching my face."

Eleanor forced herself to keep a straight face, desperately fighting the urge to laugh at the situation and give Bella a pat on the back.

"Total misunderstanding."

"Hmm sounds like it."

Her sarcastic comment didn't go appreciated by Jacob as he left shortly after, when Bella pushed him towards his bike.

"I'll take you to Carlisle, he can have a look at your hand."

"Yeah, thats a uh- that's a good idea." It was obvious Charlie felt uncomfortable in the situation.

"I'll come."

Ignoring the glare Edward sent her, she turned to Charlie.

"You better not finish the game without me."

He put his hands up as he rolled his eyes, but a small smile was on his face.

The journey was awkward - to say the least.

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