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The Cullen's house was gorgeous, filled with glass walls and sleek designs, it matched the family perfectly. Eleanor could imagine them lulling around in all their glory.

Edward had arrived to the Swan house moments after Bella, rushing upstairs only to find Bella's empty room and the lingering scent of the intruder. He had questioned Eleanor on the way over.

"Did you recognize him? What did he look like?"

"Do you not think I would've mentioned it if i knew who he was? All I remember are his eyes - they were bright red."

A tense silence settled in the car.

They pulled up to the modern residence, practically hidden amongst the woodland. Alice stood on the porch with two other people, they shared the ethereal quality that seemed to run in the Cullen family. Her voice floated through the air,

"Elle, are you okay?"

Despite the unexpected events in the past hour, Eleanor was mostly calm, this was one of the rare occurrences in which being numb to emotion was an advantage. She knew of the odd things things the town hid, so the strange abilities of the trespasser didn't much bother her - in fact, it gave her some clarity. It was her own actions that rattled her the most, and the unsettling sight of the figure in the shadows.

Alice took her hand and pulled her into the house, where Rosalie sat, as she replied. Leaving Bella and Edward with the two other Cullen's to speak in hushed voices.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You must be a bit shaken up-"

"I'm not, I just want to know who the fuck that was in my house."

Alice watched her, her eyes trying to assess any sort of fear in her. She found it refreshing - Eleanor's composure in the face of this strange situation and the brash British vocabulary.

"I know what you guys are, okay? Speed, strength, fangs? It's not exactly difficult to figure out, so can you just keep me in the loop because I was the one being attacked by a murderous vampire not even an hour ago."

The epiphany had hit her as she sat with Charlie in his slumber waiting for Bella to arrive home. She recalled the stranger, his impossible strength and the speed with which he moved. Not to mention the fangs. But his movement had reminded her of Jasper, as he jumped from her window.

It didn't much surprise her, she had come up with some much wilder theories.

"Elle. It's lovely to meet you, I'm Carlisle. I've heard a lot about you."

The blonde man from the porch strode towards her.

"I see you've solved the mystery-"

"It didn't need much solving."

He chuckled, "Well I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I need to ask you a few questions about tonight,"

Eleanor nodded slightly.

"Do you remember anything significant about the intruder? What did he want?"

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