9 Chapter

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„How dare they!
„Who they think they are?"
„Throwing me out of the house like I'm a piece of shit!"
„They will teach My children. Not the demon! Even if they refuse! I will make them teach my children!"
„They have to obey the Hokage and me!"
„I will talk with the civilian council and with Minato. They will agree with me."

Happy with her decision, Kushina went to the Hokage tower to speak with Minato and the civilian council.

Real Minato POV:

I couldn't believe what I saw. The villagers who were always nice to me were torturing my only son. Stabbing, cutting, and burning him. Hell, they even tried to rape him. I'm so fucking pissed right now. I want to take my son right now, with me back to the Military. But he's only one year old. They would notice when I would take him right now. I want to kill every single person in this fucked up village. When I get the chance, I will kidnap Kushina and torture her so much that she won't be recognized by her other children or the villagers. Hoping that I can take my son with me very soon. Teaching him all the stuff my teachers had thought me. But right now, my father is calling me, so I could only see my son for a short time.

Walking back to the Military camp so he can tell Akihiko what has happened to his son.

There he went straight to his adopted father.

Ak: Minato, I see you have returned."

Mi: Father a word About how my son is treated in his village.

Ak: You're not very happy how they treat him.

Mi: No, I want to kill every single one of them after what they have done to my son.

Ak: What did they do to my grandchild? Hearing that he was clearly pissed.

Mi: They burned, cut, stabbed, and even tried to rape him.


Mi: The three sannin took him with them. I don't know where. But I know that we can't take him now. They will notice when he's missing. He didn't awake his chakra yet. So, we have to wait. But he will wake it soon, so then we can take him. Leaving a blood clone from him or nothing but a dead blood clone. So that no one knows that he's missing.

Ak: Very well. I hope I can see my grandson soon. But when I see your ex-wife or one of the villagers, I will kill them with no mercy after what they have done to him. Now we have a meeting with Asano. You can tell him what has happened to your son. "

Mi: Yes, Father. He's waiting outside.

As: Akihiko. Minato. It's good to see you again. So, tell me what has happened to your son.

Mi: These stupid villagers thought that Naruto was the Kyuubi in Person. They hunted him down and pinned him at the wall. Starting to stab, cut, and burn him. These assholes even tried to rape him. But then three sannin saved him. I don't know where they took him.

As: These bastards. They will pay. We will take him with us soon. Giving him a better life, away from these mortals. So, let's start the Meeting. We have to talk about how we will take Minato's son with us and About the next students from our clans. So, any idea how we will do this?

Mi: We have to wait till Naruto awakes his chakra. Then we can take him, leaving a blood clone, nothing, or a fake body. Now we should take About our new recruits. So, they came from the Hirako and Murasaki Clan. There are 100 new recruits from each clan.

Ak: That's right. We have to train them in History, Tactics, Ninjustu, Kenjustu, Fuinjustu, Iryo ninjutsu, and Genjustu.

As: Hiruma, Hayato, Isamu, Haru, Akiyoshi and Sasaki will be happy.

Mi: I don't think so. They were really stressed when they trained me.

Ak: But it was you who they trained. Our Clansmen are easier to train. 

Minato looked at his father with a shocked look on his face. 

Mi: Really?

AK: Yes. Now let's call them. The earlier they come, the earlier they are finished.


Meanwhile, Kushina arrived at the Hokage Tower.

Walking into her "Husbands" office.



"We have to do something about the demon freak because off him the three sannin don't want to train my children."

"We can't throw it out. He will kill or attack the villagers. We have to look for it. Keeping under our control. So we can make him into a Killing Machine. With the powers of the Kyuubi, we can destroy Iwa and Kumo. Getting Revenge for our home village. We have to talk with the council and the elders. We should hold a meeting today."

"Right Now! Minato! Call them!"


"Yes, Lord Hokage?"
"Bring me the council and the elders. We have to discuss really important things."

"Yes, Lord Hokage."

" A few minutes later"

"Minato, you have called us."

"Yes. We have to talk about the three sannin, who refused to teach my children, because of the Kyuubi Brat."

"Why don't  we kill it ?"

"We need it to destroy Iwa and Kumo."

"SO, we make him into a weapon for the village and then kill it after he fulfilled his task."

" Great idea and we say that your children killed our enemies."

"Of course. I  only want the best for my children. They're the strongest in this villages."

"They're the children of prophecy."

But they didn't know that Danzo is going to tell the Sannin about Kushina's Plan, that they will turn Naruto into a weapon, and that they will kill him in the end. So after the meeting, he went to the house, where Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru live. Knocking on the door. 



"What do you want?"

"It's about Naruto and the village's plans for him."

"What are they going to do."

"They want to turn into a weapon, so he will destroy Iwa and Kumo. And after he did this they will kill him and tell the village that it was Menma and Mito."

"I will kill Kushina. If she is going to touch Naruto, I'm going to kill her and her brats."

"Not only her and her children. The whole village and the Hokage, too. We should warn Iwa and Kumo about this, maybe Suna. But we should take NAruto and leave the village." (Orochimaru.)

"They will notice that Naruto is gone and send the Anbu after us. We should start his training when he is three or four."

"I bet Kushina and Minato will disown Naruto. When they did that, we can take him out of the village and never return." (Jiraiya)

"Remind me, when you leave. I'm not going to stay in this fucked up village full of idiots."

"Sure Danzo. Thank you for letting us know what the village wants to do to Naruto."

"I'm glad to hear that. I may be old and emotionless, but I have a heart. No one should ever have a life like Naruto. I will tell you more about their plans after the next meetings. Have a nice day."

"We will be glad to hear more and we should talk more about Kushina's plan. Good Day Danzo."

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