17 | not so happy halloween

Start from the beginning

"I think he's asking me," Stiles replied.

"I think he's asking the both of you," Lydia chimed in, crossing one leg over the other on the other couch that she was sat on with Scott and Kira.

"Okay, let me answer the questions," Rafe huffed and paused when he realized his mistake in wording. He narrowed his gaze at Meilani and Scott to wipe the amused smirks off their faces and sighed. "Let me ask the questions."

Stiles winked and pointed at Rafe to show him that he got it right that time and Meilani giggled quietly, whacking her boyfriend's chest lightly to knock it off. She really didn't feel like getting a Rafe lecture tonight, thank you very much.

"Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school. Someone left him a coded message on the blackboard to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

"Sounds about right," Scott said, fiddling with the end of his jacket as he felt like a small child being chastised for having his hand in the cookie jar.

Rafe's eyes flickered over to Stiles and it was obvious he hadn't believed a word they had said all night. Something that didn't necessarily shock Meilani because he wasn't exactly father or man of the year. "How did you know he'd take her to a power substation, Stiles?"

Stiles scratched the side of his head and Meilani could already hear the sarcasm in his voice before he even spoke. "Well, 'cause he was an an electrical engineer. Where else would he have taken Kira?"

Rafe seemed momentarily surprised that Stiles had come to a conclusion like that and considered the Stilinski's boys words for a moment. "That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles."

"Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He's in law enforcement," Stiles answered proudly, winking at his dad and pointing at him. 

Meilani and Noah both snorted at the action and quickly sobered up when Rafe shot them a glare to stay focused on the true task at hand right now. Not like Rafe would get much more out of Meilani and her friends because he didn't know about the supernatural and Meilani didn't necessarily care enough to give him any more than he actually needs.

"Stiles, just, uh... just answer the man," Noah coughed to cover up the laughter that still bubbled in his chest.

"We made a good guess."

Rafe rolled his eyes and his gaze bounced between his twins and Kira suspiciously. "Okay, and what were the three of you doing?"

"Eating pizza."

"Eating sushi."

Scott and Kira exchanged a look with each other, wondering why the other said the opposite thing. Neither one of them were technically wrong, but with how they had just responded, it made them seem like liars to Rafe who hadn't been at Yukimura household.

"Eating sushi and pizza," Scott and Kira said in unison this time.

"Stilinski, you believe any of this?" Rafe asked, turning to Noah in frustration.

"To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to talk. I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it," Noah responded, motioning to Kira who sat awkwardly next to Scott.

"Kira, is that how you remember it?" Rafe inquired, turning to the Yukimura girl who tensed up at being called out on.

Kira glanced around the room at her new friends and their expectant gazes for her to say the one word that could let them all go home. "Yes. Could I get my phone back now?"

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