Chapter 13

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I now found myself in the middle of the Main Hall amongst a mass of people. A smell of smoke hung in the air and I noticed flames roaring in the fireplace. It made the air hot and heavy and there was an almost therapeutic element to the crackling.

Talking and laughter filled the room. People sat at long tables running down each side, drinking and eating. A group of men strung instruments and sang to those gathered. I strained my neck looking for anyone I recognised. I spotted King Edward, a dazzling jewel in a sea of imitating glass. He sat, the rim of his goblet never far from his mouth, booming with laughter with Henry on a table raised on a dais. Alcohol stained his cheeks.

"Kate, keep up!"

A hand grabbed mine and spun me on the spot. When I had turned full circle, I realised Matilda gripped my hand. We moved around in a circular fashion with another ring of girls around the outside of us.

"Do I need to ask what thoughts are occupying your mind?" she laughed. She wore a beautiful gown; the colour of peacock feathers and a floating veil hid her hair.

"I'm not sure what you mean," I said. We turned our backs to each other, jumped and clapped before returning to the larger circle. The movements came to me as though I was possessed by another being. One who knew the routines to medieval dances. We had a mock Tudor feast in primary school but that was about the closest I'd ever experienced to this. I kept tripping over my long dress which Aunt Lily had fashioned out of a duvet cover.

I looked at all the faces around me. They were all smiling and flushed with happiness. I did not think I recognised any of the girls until one caught my eye. She stood on the opposite site of Matilda bright blonde hair peeked out from under her headdress. I knew her from somewhere, I would have sworn it, but I could not say where. She kept looking at me though, her Farthing blue eyes twinkling in the candlelight.

More girls skipped into the middle, joined hands before repeating what Matilda and I had done. After a few more rotations, the music stopped, and the girls dispersed like drops from a burst bubble. Then the players truck up again and sang a different song but this time, couples went to dance instead.

Matilda surged forward and pulled me to the side. "Are you happy?"

"In general, or do you mean something more specific?"

She cocked her head, eyebrows drawing together. "Are you happy that you are now betrothed to Sir John Neville? I know he certainly is. A smile has not left his face since your father gave his permission."

"I thought Kate, I mean, I was betrothed to Ralph Croft?"

Matilda pulled a face. "Goodness no. He is a handsome man; I will grant you that but how many of us get to marry a person we love? I envy you Kate. You do still love John?"

"Yes," I breathed before I had even realised what I had said. I loved John.

"Good because here he is now." Matilda took hold of my shoulders and spun me. My legs turned to jelly, and I feared they would fold beneath me.

There he was standing before me. If this was a vision, I never wanted it to end. The blueness of his doublet highlighted the shade of his eyes; colour filled his face. I had never seen him look happier and healthier than he did right now.

"My lady," a shadow of a smile crossed his face as he reached out to me, took my hand and brought it to his lips.

"My lord," I replied. There was something about his demeanour that set him apart from everyone else. The way he looked at me like there was something only we knew. He came closer as close as he dared.

A shiver ran down my back and I felt eyes on me. I glanced to the top table. Henry's stare bore into my skin. He rose steadily from his chair and I thought he was going to march his way over to us and pull me away. That was until the king put his arm out to stop him and Henry hesitated before sinking back down.

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