the physc ward

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Warning : THIS CHAPTER WILL HAVE LOTS OF VIOLENCE AND GORE. if you feel reading this chapter feel free to click off.

Gwen p.o.v

I woke up in a small blue dress. I looked around and it was a padded room.

I heard yelling and screaming. Great I'm a walking horror movie.

I sat there until I worker came in. It was a thin tall lady.

"Who are you?! What happened! AND WHERE IS DUNCAN!?!" I yelled.

"Calm down dear".  she said walking over to me.

"Your boyfriend is in jail and your in a mental hospital".  she said writing down in her notebook.

"And you run this thing right"? I asked trembling.

"Yup, I'm clarabella." she said smiling.

"So why am I in here again"? I asked.

"You committed manslaughter honey".  she said smiling.

"You remind me of Harley Quinn". She said writing down notes.

"Everyone says that". I said while  she stood up.

"Well you should get to bed". She said pointing to A small bed with white sheets.

I walked over as she walked out of the room.

But little did she know I was a lot smarter than she thought. I had a plan but I knew it would be hard.

Clarabella should have probably chained me to my bed.

I looked under the bed for a weapon or a blunt object. I found a baseball bat and a pair of scissors.

I grabbed the baseball bat and the scissors. I carved some things into the wooden bat like

- some broken hearts
- names of my exes  (trent,Cameron,eli)
- my name

When I was satisfied with the makeover I had given the baseball bat I walked out.

I wandered into the hallway and found the room with clarabellas name on it.

I grabbed the scissors and threw them at the door. I walked over to the door and pulled out the scissors.

I used the sharp tip to pick the lock and when it was unlocked I opened the door to find clarabella in a pink miniskirt and a teal long sleeve.

"Oh hello gwen, um how did you get that baseball bat"? She asked shivering.

I threw the scissors at her shirt and pinned her to the wall.

"You'll never get me alive bitch". I said before hitting her in the jaw with the bat.

I continued to hit her. She screamed and yelled but I ignored it. Its liked I had lost all
Sanity. I only had eyes for duncan. I needed to be United with him.

As soon as her mouth started bleeding I grabbed the scissors and carved two exes into her eyes and a smile. My parents had always told me to make people smile so I just did.

I heard sirens. And I started running. I started running away. I remembered I was on the second floor so I looked. At the windows and ran full speed towards them.

I swung my bat and it shatters instantly. I jumped through the window and fell. I knew I could survive this. I had to. For duncan.  I had finally reached the ground and fell on my back. I started running towards the jail that Duncan was at.

I grabbed a gun from inside a police car. And then a taser. I ran and kept running. It was an extreme race between me and death by electric chair.

I was winning duh. I had finally found the door to the jail. I kicked it down and all the police came to tackle me.

I threw all my scissors in all directions and then ran towards duncans cell.

He was in it sitting down and waiting.

"I knew you'd come for me". He said getting up.

"Ok now back up and shush"! I yelled.

I grabbed my bat and smashed the bars. I made an opening big enough for duncan to fit through.

He walked out the cell and kissed me. But it wasnt just a kiss.

It was a calling, a kiss from heaven.

He grabbed my waist and kissed me tightly.

I pulled away and said "let's go the cops are after us".

"Ok doll". He said holding my hand.

We looked at the stars of the night sky. And then walked past 37 dead bodies.

I was proud of myself. I had killed a bunch of people without duncans help. I was a badass

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