He had it coming

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{Gwen p.o.v}

me and duncan had become friends again. thanks to him he had a friend who knows almost everything about everyone. 

the plan was to kill him by burning him alive in abandoned house.  but i didnt care how or when he died. as long as he was gone i'd be satisfied. i knew this was wrong but i was with duncan. atleast im going to hell with a hot guy. 

i had planned to seduce him and then kill him. i put on a small lace bikini and then grabbed a knife. 

the house we were in had a small stage. i was happy about this. 

me and duncan walked into the room we had tied up chris in. i stood on the stage while duncan waited outside the door. chris sat on the wooden chair with rope around him that kept him on the chair. 

"WHERE AM I"?!  Chris yelled as we took off his blindfold.

"shush dear" i said walking over to the chair. 

"GWEN?!?!?!?" He yelled. 

"Yeah thats my name".  I said sitting on his lap. 

"ive always took an intrest to you" i said winking. 

"then what are you waiting for?" he said with a dirty grin. 

God i cant belive im about to do this. but as long as chris dies ill do anything.

i started kissing his neck and then he grabbed my waist. god this is weird. 

"one question , ever feel bad for what you did to the campers"? i asked in a seductive voice. 

"not at all doll" chris replied. 

duncan came through the door and he brought chris up to the stage. i grabbed the knife and put it in my hand. 

"all eyes are on you~". duncan said in a seductive voice. 

i went up to chris and just sat on his lap. i put my hands on his neck and stabbed him in the neck. i felt a burst of happiness when i stabbed him. 

"lets burn him" i said walking off. 

"gladly doll". Duncan said with a wink. 

he poured some gasoline on the dead body and then thew a match on his body and we watched as the entire house started burning but we knew that cops would come soon. we put on our hoodies and then ran into the forest to where we had decided to sleep for tonight. 

i slept on the grass with my hoodie i noticed duncan across from me. i felt lonley tonight so what the hell? i walked over and hugged him while trying to get some sleep. 

"i see you missed me"? duncan said sitting up . 

"not really i just miss sleeping with a pillow". i said holding on to h is chest. 

"Well i'll wait for you". he said going back to sleep. 

i just started thinking at that moment. i was dating the badboy and we killed some people. and i liked it. he was my badboy and im his lost girl. and i dont want things to change

Going Insane With You {gwuncan}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें