your here too?

617 15 4

(Duncan p.o.v)

{6:17 keystone,Canada}

I had just finished escaping jail again. And now that I'm free the first thing I'm gonna do is hurt chris. He got me here in the first place. I'm 17 now. God it felt good to be free.

Then an amber alert went off on my phone. I looked and holy fuck it was gwen. God I never thought anybody would want to kidnap that moody mistake. But then again she was fun in bed.

I kept walking until I saw a familiar black hoodie. It was night and there were a bunch of stars but not people.

I rushed over to the person in the hoodie and pulled it off.

"WHAT THE HELL" The person yelled.

That voice was so familiar.  Wait.. no it couldn't be.

"Gwen"?! I screamed.

She put her finger over my mouth to shush me.

"Shush somebody could hear you". She said.

"What are you doing and why do you have my hoodie"? I asked.

"I'm running away and you gave it to me". Gwen said rolling her eyes

Right then a bunch of cop cars drove next to us. Ah shit I'm screwed.

"GET ON THE GROUND" One yelled while coming after me.

Gwen grabbed a gun that was in her bag I knew what she was about to do.

She pulled down her hood.

She looked the officer dead in the eye and I knew what was coming next.

"You first".  she said with a smirk. 

she then shot the officer and looked scared. 

"ITS THE MISSING GIRL" an officer yelled. 

She then started to kill all the cops one by one. the officers fell on the ground and we just laughed. soon every cop had been killed by gwen. 

"HOLY SHIT THEY'RE DEAD" Gwen yelled. 

"well what do you expect you shot them" I said shrugging. 

"well i didnt mean to kill them i just couldnt let you leave" she said blushing. 

"Well since we've murder a few cops lets go find chris for what he put us through". i said with an evil grin. 

"lets do this" she said with another smirk. 

Going Insane With You {gwuncan}Where stories live. Discover now