Chapter Four:Kelly Vision

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Kelly vision started around 5 p.m. which is when everyone actually started to wake up and like act like normal humans. Instead of half asleep zombies. Then we went on the bus and waka flocka and his people came. 

Waka:I aint neva met someone who could make so many girls get naked

The guys laughed

Waka:this n**ga bruh got like 30 girls in the crowd topless 

They laughed again. 

Dre:*smiles* thats some serious s**t

Waka:watchu think Jules

I looked up at him. 

Me:s*x appeal what girl who is high on raging hormones wouldn't want to get naked and potentially get the oppurtunity to sleep with a tall, tatted, blue eyed blonde hair guy

Waka:Watchu saying I gotta get blue eyes and blonde hair so girls will get naked

I smiled nodding

Waka:*smiles* So in other words we all screwed

They laughed

Me:Or you could marry tammy

He looked at me side ways. 

Waka:How you know about tammy?

I smiled shrugging

Me:I have my ways

Waka:Ion know about all that

I stared at him. 


Me:No man who doesn't even remotely love a woman wont take care of her kids like you do charlie

He got quiet and all the guys dogged him. 

Me:*smiles* Mhmm my point exactly

The door opened and it was adam one of the security guards. 

Adam:Jules can you come with me please


Adam:theres a young lady asking for kells

I got up and walked out with him and she was like by the fence gate. I walked over and she looked at me. 

Katie:I want to see kells


I spoke very softly

Me:Kells is currently sleeping but if you come back tomorrow which is his off day you two can spend the whole day together

Katie:The whole day?



Me:My friend adam hear is gonne show you out okay?


Adam showed her out and I went back on the bus. 

Waka:damn you really finessed that girl 

Me:*smiles* Its a very strong skill I've been forced to aquire

The guys laughed and I sat back down. 

Waka:dealing with crazy hoes

Me:No dealnig with extremely attached and emotional girls

They laughed.

Waka:damn you puttin a n**ga on blast like that

I smiled. 

Later that night after the school we got on the bus and left for the next city. 

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