The roof-top view is honestly a dream, I think Lillian also pitched in ideas as to how Malie would prefer it. Malie left it on our parents as they see fit but still they wanted everything to be perfect.

I smile looking at the white and pink lilies and in the flower arrangements. I think back at the design I had Lillian and my mother-in-law put together for Malie's wedding dress.

At that moment the music starts playing, it was Mom and Isabelle's choice, All of The Above. Next Malie chose Melvin as the ring bearer. I agreed with her because when don't I. Right beside him is Hailey, flower girl and she looks absolutely cute in her baby pink frills dress. They take their places. Behind them is the girl who I've been waiting for my entire life just didn't know of her till I didn't put my eyes on her. She is looking like the angel that God her made her out to be.

My breath hitches seeing her. Amalie is looking beyond beautiful. I have seen her beautiful many times, especially when she blushes it's incomparable. But right now she's looking like an angel of another world. How was I so lucky enough to have her for myself?

She walks down the aisle with her father David James. Originally, David wanted Jack to walk her but Jack gave it up saying he deserved this moment. He'll always watch over her but today she deserved her birth father walk her down.

They reach the end, the entire way I and Amalie don't break eye contact. She's everything I'm not. Maybe that's why I'm so damn crazy about her. David takes his daughter's hand and puts it in mine, "Austin, son. I'm entrusting my daughter to you. I would've never let my daughter go so early but you're worth it."

I smile at his words, he leaves and takes his place with his wife. Amalie puts both of her hands into mine. She looks at me with A Love Like No Other. My eyes match her feelings.

The priest starts the ceremony.

Amalie's POV:

I doubt that we both listen to the Priest. We both are lost in each other, "You may now say your vows."

Austin nods, "Amalie Rose James Anderson. The love of my life. I never thought I'd say such words. Especially, not after what happened. You came in my life with a crash quite literally. Of course, it wasn't your fault. You were the first girl ever to make me shocked by spilling your milkshake on my head." On that one, everyone including me chuckles.

"You made me fall in love with you but I was stubborn not to admit it but wasn't ready to give you up either. But when you admitted that no one had ever kissed you. It made me realize how truly innocent you are. You faced more demons than anyone I ever know. You made me realize that if I didn't claim you I'd lose you. Today, in front of all our loved ones, I Austin Evans Theodore vow to love you till my last breath. Make sure you never overwork yourself. Be there for you whenever and however you need me. I vow to take care of you and make you happy and loved in sickness and health. We'll have our own ups and downs but I'll be there right beside you, sharing your happiness, sadness, love, and illness. And I know I'll be able to fulfill our promises because our love is A Love Like No Other." Austin finishes.

I sniffle at his words because the sincerity and love in his words are something else. His eyes are sparkling with love and only love.

I know it's my turn, "Austin Evans Theodore. The man who made me feel emotions I didn't know I could feel. My love and my life. You made me come out of my shell and made me see colors that I was afraid to see in fear I might ruin them. You took hold of my heart without me noticing, and in all honesty, you deserved the milkshake. It made you see the hidden truth." I giggle.

"I was never alone and you made me realize it. My love for you increased to the point I can't imagine living without you. So today, I, Amalie Rose James Anderson vow stand by your side in sickness and health, in poorer and richer. To be more than you expect. I promise to be your pillar be it physical or emotional. I vow to love and care for you till my last breath. And I know I'll be able to fulfill our promises because our love is A Love Like No Other."

"Now, do you Austin Evans Theodore take Amalie Rose James Anderson as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asks Austin.

Austin's hold on hands tightens and smiles, looking into my eyes saying, "I do."

The priest turns his head slightly towards me, "Do you, Amalie Rose James Anderson take Austin Evans Theodore as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

I look into Austin's eyes whose eyes haven't left mine since the start of the ceremony, and smile, "I do."

After the priest says the exchange of rings, Brian hands the ring to Austin who replaces my engagement ring with the wedding ring. After that, I take the ring from Lil and put it on Austin's ring finger.

"With this, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the..." Austin doesn't wait for the priest to finish and pulls me by my waist and kisses me.

I kiss him back with the same passion as he gives me. He has kissed me many countless times but this kiss is very different than the others. We hear the clapping and cheering from our relatives which makes us break us apart and he puts his forehead to mine.

"Your now wife. Now and forever, Amalie Rose Theodore. Or should I say, Mrs. Theodore." Austin chuckles.

I giggle along, "Of course, my dear husband, Mr. Theodore."

Here the journey of Amalie and Austin ends. They had many hurdles to cross before they could find the ending that was meant to be theirs.

Always remember no matter how dark the present and past may be at the end of the day there is always a path for us all. But it all comes down on us whether we take that leap or not.

For Amalie took that leap but it didn't mean it was smooth sailing from then onward she still had a lot to face before finding her happiness.

This is the official end to



Another announcement!

Since this book has come to an end a new book will begin as a sequel but it will feature all of the couples' children and new main characters with a brand new storyline! Stay tuned!



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P.S: Of course, I will give this book an epilogue but when. Well, no promises on the time!

Till Next time! 

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