Chapter 38 They Want To Meet You

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So the song and singer for this chapter needs absolute no intro... Hehe but me being me still am doing it, so the singer and song for this chapter are as follows:

Song Name: Put It All On Me

Singer Name: Ed Sheeran ft. Ella Mai

Chapter No. 38

Austin's POV:

"Chérie, let me tell you something."

"Mes grands-parents aren't the simplest people in the world either. Grand-père was a business man still expanding his business gaining recognition in Europe when he fell in love with grandma, the only problem was that she belonged to the mafia. Not any mafia but the strongest mafia that controlled all of France behind the scenes. Grand-mère was the daughter of the don. As fate had it she in turn fell in love with grand-père as well. But grand-père's entire family was against it. For love, he gave up everything, and his family disowned him. He didn't care. But there was still a heavy price to pay, his side of the family still wasn't satisfied and tried to had have her murdered. But they endured it all. Then another problem arose. Grand-mère's parents didn't agree to this because they knew it would be too risky and putting their daughter in great perils. So grand-père had made a deal that if in the following 3 years he couldn't return with triple more and the strength to protect their precious daughter than he would let go."

"Wasn't this bet risky?" Malie asked, curiously.

"Yeah it was, but he is a man that never bluffs. And in 2 and a half years he returned much more than he ever was even more than he had betted on. Of course using all legal ways. But he won the right to marry grand-mère. So what I'm trying to say is that we Theodore's are willing to go to any lengths for the ones we love. So don't worry about my grandparents not liking you. I bet they'll love you." I smiled looking at Malie affectionately.

She smiled back at me, "Thank you for telling me... So when do you have to leave for France?"

"Saturday... But since I would be visiting as well I will stay for a week..."

"Hmm... Alright can we leave in the evening I'll finish my work by afternoon?"

I hug instantly, "Of course!"

I didn't expect her to agree so easily, man I wonder how the hell I got so lucky...


"Jack I know you're a very confidential person, but this is regarding Amalie's safety if there is anyone you know that would want harm her you need to help us." I say sitting in Brian's office.

Right now, we're in his office as its completely sound proof, "What I don't understand is that why are you so concerned?"

"I wouldn't have concerned myself for anyone else, but I-I love your daughter, so you as a father can relate, to this... I know that I and Amalie have been only been dating for a few months but believe me she has become a part of my life that I can't let go no matter what."

He sighs, "Can't a father keep his daughter forever?"

"You and David will always be the most important people in her life but right you need to cooperate with us."

"Alright, there are some people who have been always wanted to harm the James family. When we went to court for Amalie's custody my investigators found out Amalie isn't as simple as she seems to look. I think this may be of more use to you than me. Since I don't have the links to find out more." He says handing over the documents.

Jason takes them, reading them, "What the actual fuck? How the hell are they related to James?"

"Who are you talking about? Daniel asks.

"Them! The Stevens and Leonardo's... How are they related to all this?" Jason say frustrated.

Brian takes the files and reads the contents and is flabbergasted as Jason is, "This makes no sense... Austin I think it's high time that everyone who are involved in this case come and make things clear..."

"What are you talking about?" I ask agitated.

"The thing is that this seems to be related to not only Amalie but also Serena so whoever wants to harm those two means that this is something that is related to family history as Amalie and Serena were so fucked up in their own lives so it's impossible that they have anything to do with this. So I think that whatever is this family history somehow relates back to Aunt Dawn and Lilly. If not more. Because the dates match with their timelines the most and if you read the event of attacks including Rio's attack, the car accident and the fact someone tried to shot Serena recently is not a coincidence..." Brian says agitated.

"Fine, but I have to go to France on Saturday and I'm taking Malie with me, she's the safest with me. They know better than to mess with me. I have warned them before."

"But looks like that it didn't bother them, knowing that Serena was targeted as well, of course she doesn't know because Carlos was there to protect her." Daniel says glaring at me.

These days Daniel is getting on my nerves more than usual, before I can say anything Jason butts in, "Guys cool it! Both of them are important to us and we have to get a step ahead of them before something happens... After which we would never be able to forgive ourselves." Jason says and sighs.

I instantly shut up knowing exactly what he means, "Fine but since France is my homeland and basically our stronghold, it's better for Malie to be there."

"But my sister is smart, if you keep her out of the loop for more than a fix time frame, she's gonna be suspicious. Wasn't she curious why you made her stay with you yesterday?"

"Not really, I have included Serena in the loop, but I want to keep her out of it. She's been through too much, and I have Daphne keep tabs on all her movement, and she's completely stopped taking medicines." I answer.

"What do you mean, she's stopped taking her medicines?" Jack asks.

"She's not yet told anyone except Daphne, on the condition that she won't tell anyone but of course since I hired her and for her own safety reasons she tells me everything." I explain.

"Damn it, I just don't understand why she can't trust us who is her family... I honestly wonder where I went wrong when upbringing her, why doesn't she at least me enough to share her deepest thoughts with?" Jack says agitated and his right forming a fist.

"That's not it Jack, with her past and what I've been able to understand is that she just has insecurities with dealing anything related to her. That's why I made sure this time she's out of the loop. But I can guarantee you that she'll tell you when she's comfortable." I defend Malie.

Sometimes it's not easy to do even the simplest of things. There is a specific I wanted Daphne to be Malie's bodyguard, she has a very high IQ due to which she studied psychology as well but since there was no 'adventure' as she says it she quit it and took on this profession, at first undercover FBI but then quit there and joined Brian. Yeah, she's a bit twisted but interesting if you're willing to understand her. Due to her personality she easily infiltrated through all Malie's walls and earned her trust in a really short time.

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