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"We tried for months Emma, but by the time we even made a dent in your case you had already aged out of the system. Obviously my mother was reluctant but my dad tried his best. He got his lawyer involved, he contacted everyone he knew in the state of New York. Kathryn blackmailed her dad, and that was hard for her because she adored him almost as much as he adored her. The Belfrey's  tried to twist and turn every law to get you out. All our parents knew how much it meant to us to get you out, but the law just wasn't on our side this time," Regina explained.

"The law has never been on my side," she sighed out as Regina turned to face her, "That's why I became a cop. Or at least trying to be, I don't know if you can call a meter maid employed by the Denver PD a cop. We hate ourselves almost as much as the public hates us.."

Regina gave a small laugh, "Em, you have to believe me. I really did try, so hard. It killed me knowing you were locked up and I couldn't do anything about it. I have beaten myself up about it everyday since. You know, Vic and I don't talk much anymore, but my father tells me she went to law school and specialized in criminal & family law because of what happened that day. She doesn't want what happened to you to happen to anyone else."

Emma looked up at the brown eyes she adored since she was 9, and patted the spot next to her. Regina took the invitation and laid down next to her ex. She tucked her hands under her cheek as she lay on her side facing Emma. She missed those dazzling green eyes...

"I believe you Gina, and I'm sorry. But that doesn't change what I went through. I'm not just gonna pretend that it didn't happen just because you didn't mean for it to."

"I know. As long as you know I never gave up on you. I-I-I loved you Emma, I would've never left if I knew that-"

"I know. I kinda always knew, it was just hard. I was alone, and it all felt too familiar," she explained.

Regina pouted, "That makes me feel even worse."

"I'm not trying to. It's the alcohol. When I drink my heads clear but the consequence is-"

"Your mouth's open," she replied with a laugh, "I remember. I also remember that no matter how much you drink, hangover or not, you're going to remember everything."

"Oh God Gina," she laughed as she ran her hands over her face, "We used to be inseparable."

She gave a small smile, "I remember that too. I miss it."

It went silent for a bit. They exchanged glances and with it it seemed they also exchanged memories. Each woman felt their childhood flood back from the moment they had met. It was hard for them to all come back at once. Regina's eyes glanced down at to the blondes lips and she so desperately wanted to be pressed against her own. What she didn't know was that Emma was thinking the same thing, but with alcohol in her system. The younger woman's hands gripped the end of her exes shirt and pulled her in closer.

"I have missed you Regina," she whispered against her lips.

The brunette gave a low whimper. After being apart for so long she finally felt like everything was coming back, she had only hoped for this moment since the days they were separated. They both started to hesitantly lean forward. The air started to constrict around them, but not in an uncomfortable manner. Yet, the atmosphere quickly changed when they heard a booming voice from the entrance.


Emma let her head fall onto her pillow, "My roommate. Sorry"

Regina laughed as she too let her head fall onto the pillow, "It's ok." She smoothed her hair back and sat up, "I should get going anyway. I need to get back to Roland."

She propelled herself off the bed and started heading for the door to the out of bedroom.


The mother stopped in her tracks and did a quick pivot, "Yes, dear?"

One of her many, old, pet names sent shivers down her spine when it escaped Regina's lips. She swallowed down her giddiness.

"You said you didn't talk to Victoria anymore and you didn't even mention Kathryn. What happened?"

Regina's face immediately dropped as she rubbed her neck nervously, "Kat is- um, she's uh- she died."

If there was any trace of a smile left on her face it melted off her face, "What?"

Still nervously rubbing her neck she started to choke up, "Yeah, she uh- committed. I told her I would never forgive her for what she did that night you were arrested and I didn't... At least not in time."

"Oh, I am so sorry Regina. I know she was your oldest friend."

She gripped her elbows and bit her lip, "Thanks," she sighed before she continued, "Vic and I- we stopped talking after she passed. I know she blames me for her death, and to be honest, she's not wrong."

"What? Gina no-" Emma started before she was interrupted by her pixie cut having roommate.

"Emma, how dare you leave the bar without telling us where you were going?! You know I worr-"

The blonde cleared her throat and motioned to the woman standing beside Mary Margaret.

"Oh sorry. Was I interrupting something?"

"Yes," Emma blurted out.

"No," the other woman replied.

Emma exchanged confused glances with Regina.

"I have to get home to my son. It was nice to be able to finally talk Em. I hope we can hang out sometime?"

She nodded, "I'd like that."

With a smile and a nod Regina left the roommates to their own devices.

"Way to ruin the mood M&M."

She scoffed, "Excuse me? You left without telling anyone. For all I knew you could've been dead!"

"Well I'm fine."

"I can see that," she teased as she sat next to Emma and wiggled her eyebrows, "Who's the hot mom you brought in?"

"That was my Gina."

Her ears perked up, "Gina? As in REgina? Like thee Regina?!"

She confirmed with a nod of her head.

"She's pretty."

"I know."

"You gonna tell me what happened between you two or..."

"It was all a big misunderstanding."

"And you believe that?"

"You forget I know when people lie. She wasn't."

Mary Margaret shrugged as she got up and headed for her bed, "If you say so. Your superpower has proven it's viability time and time again. I just- I've never seen you so bummed as you were earlier today. With all that talk of not being able to trust or love. I just want to make sure you're good."

Emma smiled as she pulled her covers over her body, "Thanks, but I think, I'm the best I've been in a long time."

"That's good to hear. Well, good night Emma, I have no doubt we'll both be clutching our heads in the morning."

"Mhm," she hummed as her eyes fluttered shut.

The Past is in the Past (AU)Where stories live. Discover now