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Regina hadn't seen Emma in a couple of days and decided to pay her a visit. Things had just started to turn around for the brunette, she had her best friend back and they had just started dating again. She didn't want to ruin it like she did the last time. She had Emma back... And that's all that mattered, after year's of agonizing torment of not knowing what happened and the guilt, she had finally found closure in it all. She remembered when they were kids there was almost never a day that went by that they didn't talk/see each other, and last month when they decided to start dating again... Well let's just say a similar set up had played out. So Regina was worried that Emma hadn't come by or called after a little while. What if she didn't actually forgive her and this was her way at revenge? To steal her heart, which had never really lost in he first place, and break it. She didn't think she had another heart break in her. After the first, she barely made it out alive and after the second. Well truly after the 2nd Roland was the only reason she pushed forward. He had already lost both his biological parents, and she was really the only mom he had ever known, so she couldn't leave him in this cruel world alone.

She knocked on the door eagerly awaiting the blondes face, but instead a child answered the door.

"Hey," Henry quipped.

Regina hesitated before she spoke up. The kid in front of her looked so much like Emma when she was a kid. His nose, and his eyes, just like hers, only he was a brunette. He looked like how teenage Regina used to think her and Emma's kid would look like, if they could have one naturally.

"Hello!" The kid piped up again, "Can I help you?"

She attempted to clear her head by shaking it and then leaned over to peek inside, "Uh, is Emma here?"

"Miss Emma!" Roland cheered from beside his mother!

"Suuurrreee," he said with a side eye as he turned towards the apartment, "Mooommm! You've got a visitor!"

Regina's eyes grew wide, did he just say mom? She thought to herself.

Soon Emma came into view and gave Regina a relieved smile, "Oh. Regina. It's you. Thank goodness," her eyes went to Roland, "Hey Roland. How are you doing kid?"

Roland smiled and went to hug Emma around her legs, "Mama Gina has missed you. I missed you too."

"I missed you guys too. Come in. Come in," she said leading them inside, "It's just been a little hectic around here. I'm sorry I haven't called. I've just been trying to find Henry a home."

Regina quirked her eyebrow as she sat down, "And Henry is your..."

Emma rubbed her neck nervously, "Technically... He's my son."

The brunettes eyes widened, "So when he said mom, he really meant mom?"

Emma nodded, confirming the statement.

"Cool! You have a kid like me!" Roland added.

Emma smiled, "Yeah, you should go play with him. He's a little bit older than you, but he's nice. I promise."

Roland looked to his mother for confirmation. She was weary, as she looked over to Emma.

"I swear, he's a good kid Gina," Emma confirmed trying to comfort Regina's worries.

She turned to Roland and gave small smile and curt nod, "Go ahead Roro."

The child grinned widely as he rushed into the other room to see if Henry wanted to play.

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