Ch. 10

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Annabeths POV

It took us 15 minutes to get to pipers house. It was a big house but I was used to it but Percy's mouth dropped.

"But you know she's not a snotty rich kid" I said

"Muhum" was all that came out of him.

When we went in everyone was there even Thalia.

Everyone talked for a while an I was with the girls and said "I'm telling Percy tonight"

"What really" all of them sort if said.

"I talked to chorion and he said it was ok". I told them.

I noticed no one was talking about Thalia and Luke.

"Let's play truth or dare me first" Leo said 5 seconds once I was finished telling the girls about Percy. "Ok g-man truth or dare"


"Do you like anyone other than juniper"

"Who's that" Percy asked

Grover answered "my girlfriend and no I really don't"

"Wow I totally believe you" piper said

"Of course you do beauty queen" Leo said

"Ok Hazel truth or dare" Grover asked

"Dare" she told him

"I dare you to do the cinnamon challenge"

"Which is???"

"Where you eat a spoonful of cinnamon" Jason said

"What. Oh fine." She had a spoonful then coughed a lot

"Wow impressive". Nico said

"Ok Nico what will it be" she asked

"I'll be a chicken to Leo and say truth"

"Do you have a crush on someone"

"No" he said quickly

"I don't believe you" Reyna said

"Well no one will know" Nico said

"Fine it's your turn"

"Ok how about you what will it be"


"I dare you to kiss your crush and we all know yo--"

But he didn't get to finish because Reyna kissed him on the lips. she then pulled away and said "Percy truth or dare" totally ignoring nicos shocked face.

"Dare" he said confidently

"I dare you and Annabeth to go out for 2 months".

"Um... ok... yeah. Annabeth??" He asked

"I don't think I have a say in it". But I didn't know what to say I mean come on, I wouldn't mind pertaining to be his girlfriend but I don't want out relasonship to be ruined.

"Of course you do" he told me as if I should have known that.

"I'm... yeah that's okay" I said nervesly

"Great! Annabeth truth or dare"


"Tell me what you need to tell me"

Uh oh. No no no I was having a good time too.

"Ok you remember when I freaked out when you said I was 'Athena smart' and when we were texting and I said 'gods' and do you know how you've been doing so good in mythology, well there's a reason"

"And what is it" he asked as if this wouldn't change his life

"I'm getting there. Now I guessing you are deslxyc, have ADHD, and have seen things you can't explain"

"How did you know that" he asked bewildered

"I'm still gutting there. Umm you know the gods, goddess, monsters, and demigods"

"Annabeth what are you talking about"

"Well they're all real they still exist"

He waited for someone to say something probley 'ha joke' but no one did. So he said "I don't believe you"

"You should she's telling the truth". Jason backed me up.

"Then show me". He challenged

Jason looked a Thalia and said " fine just come outside"

Everyone did and Jason and Thalia summoned lighting and it struck right next to Percy and...

Percy's POV

I feel into the pool. I didn't want to get wet so I thought I don't want to get wet I don't want to get wet I dont want to get wet and I didn't feel wet. And when I got out of the pool everyone was staring at me because I wasn't wet. Then I saw they were looking above my head and i caught a glimpse if it, it was a hologram of a green trident. Then Frank said "get him to chorion NOW"

The next thing I know is annabeth Is driving my car with me in the passenger set and piper in the back. "Where are we going" I said

"Shhh, no more questions till we are at Chiron's" piper commanded me. I didn't say a word the rest of the car ride. We pull up next to our school by a house and Annabeth knocks on the door and a man in a wheel chair opens the door and Annabeth says "we really need to talk"

Please please please commit

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