Chapter 7: Back To 1962

Start from the beginning

'Quantum Leap,' Scott interrupted.

'A Wrinkle In Time, Somewhere In Time-'

'Saw A Wrinkle In Time. It's a good movie!' I shouted from the platform. (Author's note: I've actually seen A Wrinkle In Time and Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3. Really good movies :D Just decided to put that comment in there for fun, just keeping it real)

'Hot Tub Time Machine,' Scott interrupted again.

'Hot Tub Time Machine,' Rhodey echoed, 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically any movie that deals with time travel.'

'Die Hard?' Scott asked. 'No, it's not one...'

'This is known,' Rhodey replied.

'I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true,' Bruce replied to all of us. I guessed that was for nothing. We couldn't have our fun? Jeez, I thought. 'Think about it. If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future...'

'Exactly,' Nebula spoke, again bringing an end to the fun.

'So... Back to the Future's a bunch of bullshit?'

I was standing still on the platform and Steve was near me, making sure the suit was adjusted properly.

'Are you sure you want to do this?' I looked at him.

'Of course I'm ready.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes. I'll be fine, Steve. I'll be fine.' He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. When he was finished, he stepped off the platform and smiled. I gave him a thumbs up as the helmet slid over my head.

'Alright, Adelaide!' Bruce yelled. 'We're going in 3... 2... 1!' Then I went quantum.

In 1962...

I opened my eyes. I had been squeezing them shut the whole time and I was in the sitting room of the Xavier Mansion. My helmet unfolded and looking down, I saw I was in a blue dress with white flowers embroidered on it. There was no time to lose. Putting my hand to my temple, I spoke to the past version of me sitting in the chair between Erik Lehnsherr, my dad, and Charles Xavier, my soon-to-be husband. If I was in the right place, which I looked to be.

'Go to sleep,' I whispered. She dropped off into a deep sleep, the cup of coffee still in her hands.

'Who's there?' I heard Charles ask. I stepped into the light to face Erik and Charles. Charles frowned when he saw my initial appearance.

'Adelaide... is that you?'

'Charles, I don't have much time. I can't be here for very long.' I stepped closer. 'Dad. Hey.' He made eye contact with me for the first time since I had entered that room. 'Don't worry about her,' I said, gesturing to the sleeping form of my past self. 'She won't remember any of this. In a perfect world where I'm not here, she just dropped off to sleep. It's been a long day, and it'll be a an even longer day tomorrow... when what happens happens.'

'What are you talking about, liebling?' Erik asked.

'Don't worry, Dad. It'll be okay. I can't prevent what's going to happen. I may be a telepath, but what's going to happen... what will happen to the two of you... what you and I will do, Erik... the chain reaction that we will set off in our lives and the lives of those we love... I cannot stop it.' I came closer to the two and knelt on the ground, in front of the chess board.

'Adelaide, I-' Charles tried to say, but I cut him off.

'No, Charles. There will be so much... that will happen tomorrow and in the days, weeks, months and years to come. I love you, Charles. I always have. Please be patient with her. You too, Erik. Please. Be patient with her and with my father. There will be many mistakes along the way between the two of us, Charles, but there will also be joy and love and happiness along the way. There will be darkness and there will be light. There's so much more that I want to say to you... so much that I regret from our younger years... so much that I desire to share with you... with both of you, but I cannot. Like I said, I don't have much time.'

'Adelaide, I wanted to say I'm sorry,' Charles said.

'You read my mind.'

'Yes. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. For everything that happens in our future.'

'Don't be. Don't be. I never intended to go down Erik's path, but I feel myself regretting more and more things... more violence, more killing... more than I intended. Erik, I'm sorry.'

'It's okay, liebling,' he said, reaching out and touching my cheek. 'You look just like your mother.' I reached up and wiped away a tear from his cheek with my thumb. Then I stood, and leaning down again, I removed Erik's knight from the chessboard. Then I stood straight again.

'I'm going to save the universe, Dad. I will bring this back... I promise.'

'Keep it,' Charles chimed in. 'When we play, it will remind us of you.'

'No. I'll bring it back. Somehow, some way, when everything that we have suffered in the future is over... I will bring it back.' Stepping back, my quantum suit began to fold over the dress as the Time-Space GPS on my wrist began to beep. Letting the helmet slide over my head, I waved as I went POOF! out of 1962 and back to the future. (Get it?)

Landing on the platform back in 2023, the helmet slid off and I panted loudly, letting out gasping breaths. Steve and Natasha ran up next to me.

'Easy! Just breathe,' Steve said. Natasha took my cheek in hers as my eyes shone with tears.

'Hey, hey! Look at me,' she coaxed softly. 'You okay?' I nodded and opened my hand to reveal the black chess piece to Steve. He smiled and patted me on the back, then kissed me on the forehead.

'Well done.'

'Yeah, it worked. It worked.'

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