Chapter 2: Three Years Later

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I began to perk up a little and return to my normal self, but I still drank constantly. I started to get into contact with Tony and it was after one particular incident that he let me stay at his place with him, Pepper and their new daughter, Morgan.

I was sleeping one night, tossing and turning as I suffered from the nightmares that had been plaguing me constantly.

I ran through the woods, never stopping. It felt like I was in a fog, I couldn't see more than several spaces in front of me and I was breathing hard. Behind me, a man ran after me, always seeming to gain on me. I ran faster and faster. But it was heavy and thick, and every breath I took was choking the life out of me. Just then a pull on my metal belt threw me to the ground and pulled sharply. I thought it was my dad, Erik, but when I looked up, a hazy form revealed it to be Bucky. He knelt over me, that crazed, wild look in his eyes that he had that day in the forest when he was ordered by Alexander Pierce to shoot me. Grabbing me by the throat, he pulled me to my feet, then shoved me around the other way so that I was facing him. I tried to scoot away from him, but then he stepped on my leg with his boot. I growled in anger and pain and tried to move, but to no avail. Getting out a gun, he put the barrel of it to my head. I froze. I tried to stop him, but then he spoke, in a poisonous tone,

'You are nothing. Why work with them? They are nothing. Join HYDRA. It is your place.'

'Go to hell with HYDRA.' I tried to use my telepathy on it, but I was thrust out of his mind.

'You may have tried that once, but you will never get the chance again.' Standing, he kept the gun pointed to my head, raised it, and shot.

I bolted upright in bed in a cold sweat, screaming. Steve must have heard me because he ran into the room and turning the lamp on, got onto the bed and got me to lay back down.

'Easy, Adelaide! Easy.' I laid back down, my eyes darting to and fro, looking for my nightmares, but alas, they were not there. He touched my cheek and I looked into his eyes. 'Talk to me, baby.'

'It was Bucky.' I put my hand to my head, where I thought I could still feel cold steel against my head.

'More nightmares?'

'Yes.' Sitting on the edge of the bed, he lightly stroked my hair.

'It's okay. I'm right here. You're safe.' I held onto him for what seemed like hours. Finally, I let go of him and laid back down on the bed. I curled up next to him and feeling safe, I fell asleep.

That very next day, I drove out of the driveway of the Avengers Facility to find some time alone, with Shannon in the backseat, sleeping, and a few of my possessions and hers. We were driving to Tony Stark's house, as he had offered for Shannon and I to live there for a bit, on the pretence that his daughter, Morgan, wanted to see 'Auntie Adelaide' again. When I pulled up to the house, I pulled the brake and turned off the car. I sat there silently, looking at the nice house. There was a lake nearby and I saw a small tent-like cubby-house not far from the water. I, getting out of the car, unbuckled Shannon out of her booster seat and gently woke her up telepathically. The little girl opened her eyes and stared at me.

'Is everything okay, Mommy?

'Yes, liebling. We're here now.' I let her out of the car as I pulled our bags out from the trunk. She walked around the car, her arms and legs swinging, carefree as she surveyed the area.

'It's nice, Mommy.'

'Yes, it is,' I said, pulling the final bag out and setting it on the ground with a dull thud. I smiled at her as I gave her her little pink suitcase. She took it.

'How long are we living here?'

'Not very long, I hope. This will be a great place for you to use your powers, when you get them.'

'Is Daddy going to join us?' I was just in the middle of locking the car when I heard her say this.

'I'm sorry?'

'Is Daddy going to join us?' she asked innocently, glancing up at me through her baby-blue eyes. I looked down and sat on the back of the car, then lifted her up and put her on my lap.

'I don't know, liebling,' I replied in a strained tone. I hastily wiped away a tear.

'Are you sad?'

'Yes, sweetheart. Yes.' Just then I heard a voice that was all too familiar to my ears. A voice that I used to not like too much, a voice that nearly carried with it all the time familiar insults, mostly in jest.

'Is that you, Adelaide?' I put my daughter down and turned to see Tony. I embraced him gently.

'Tony! It's good to see you again!' Just then he caught sight of my little Shannon hiding behind me. 

'Is this your daughter?'

'Yes.' I, picking her up and putting her on my hip, faced Tony again. 'She's five years old. Say hi to Uncle Tony.' The little girl buried her face in my neck, then, taking her thumb out of her mouth, stretched her arms out towards Tony. He took her gently and settled her on his hip, her having already acclimatised to the little girl's presence.

'Who's the father?'

'The Winter Soldier. Bucky.' There was a moment of shock over his face before he spoke.

'Oh. So you and the Terminator-'

'Yes. And don't insinuate.' Tony passed Shannon back to me and I put her down on the ground. She grabbed her suitcase and ran towards the direction of the house. Tony, helping me with my suitcases and we walked into the house. A tall woman was standing near the kitchen sink, doing dishes. She turned. 'Pepper!' I exclaimed. She smiled at me and we embraced. When I had gotten comfortable, the two girls were introduced to each other and Morgan and Shannon went to go play outside. After that, Tony, Pepper and I were sitting outside with drinks in hand, watching the sun set as the girls played near the lake.

It was good.

Life was good now.


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