Chapter 1: Going For The Stones

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'This is gonna work, Steve,' I said softly to him as we prepared for the immediate confrontation that was to come with going up against Thanos.

'I know it will.' He unfolded a compass with his love, Peggy Carter in it. 'Cause I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't.'

'Neither will I. Steve, I'm so worried. I have a feeling it's not gonna work.'

'Don't talk like that,' he said, pulling me into his embrace.

'I just have a feeling, Steve. I want to see Bucky again.'

'I know and you will. Just focus on the mission at hand.'

'I want it to work so bad that I fear it won't work.' Stepping away from me, he put his hands on my shoulders.

'Hey, hey. If this thing goes south, I want you to promise me something.'


'That you'll stay. I promise I'll stay beside you if you promise the same.'

'I can't promise something like that.'

'Just stay with me.'

'I... I...' and I broke down into tears. He pulled me into his embrace again. He pulled away from me, kissing my forehead tenderly. 

'I love you, Adelaide.'

'I love you too, Steve.'

Carol had gone for recon and was now back, levitating outside of the ship, still glowing with that yellowish light that all of a sudden seemed so warm and inviting.

'No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defences of any kind. It's just him.'

'And that's enough,' Nebula replied.

Carol flew through the roof of the old-looking shed and knocking Thanos down, she grabbed his neck in a headlock. Bruce burst up out of the ground in the Hulkbuster armour and holding his arm with the Infinity Gauntlet on it, Thor cut it off with his axe, Storm-breaker. Thanos groaned in pain as I flew and landed, walking in with Steve and Natasha, almost glaring at him murderously. Rocket Raccoon, moving over to the chopped-off gauntlet, flipped it over with his foot. We looked down at it and my blood boiled with anger and pain. Rocket looked up at me.

'Oh, no.'

'Where are they?' Steve asked. I stalked over to the injured titan.

'Answer the question,' Carol said gripping Thanos' throat with her glowing arm. He didn't answer at first, so I slammed my metal fist into his face, glaring into his eyes.

'Adelaide,' I heard Steve's voice speak. 'That's enough.' I ignored him.

'The universe required correction,' Thanos groaned out. 'After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation.'

'Where are the goddamn stones?!' I yelled at him, slamming my fist again into his face. 'Answer the question!'

'You murdered trillions!' Banner said, stalking over and pushing him over.

'You should be grateful,' the titan gritted out. He was again punched, but by the Hulkbuster armour.

'I'm not grateful, you son of a bitch! You took everything from me!' I yelled out, angry tears gathering at the corners of my eyes and my fists clenched.

'Where are the stones?' Natasha asked him, her voice almost breaking.

'Gone. Reduced to atoms.'

'You used them two days ago!' Banner yelled.

'I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly... killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am... inevitable.'

'We have to tear this place apart, he-he-he-he has to be lying,' Rhodey stammered worriedly.

'My father is many things,' Nebula spoke up. 'A liar is not one of them.' Thanos looked up and she looked down, seemingly uncomfortable.

'Ah, thank you, daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly.' I saw Thor's eyes burning with anger and evidently so were mine, because using my telekinesis, I spilled the pot and bending and twisting it, wrapped it around the titan's neck, glaring into his eyes. I kept squeezing and squeezing with anger showing in every move I made.

'Like I said, you son of a bitch... you took everything from me. And you will pay for what you've done!' With that, I snapped his neck. Thor, swinging his axe, chopped off the beast's head from where I had him pinned against the wall. I dropped him. Nebula, kneeling by his side, closed his eyes, wiping off some of the blood in the process. Looking at his dead body with the wretched head separated from his shoulders, I dropped my telekinetic hold on his severed neck and let the metal go limp. I fell on my knees, and putting my head in my hands, I wept.

'What... what did you do?' I heard Rocket stammer out.

'I went for the head,' Thor replied softly. As he walked out of the building, he gently touched my shoulder and I clasped his hand briefly before he walked out and down the steps, almost stumbling.

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