The two met at the entrance of the Cornucopia and Phoenix noticed Finnick already had his trident in hand. " I'll cover you! Go grab your stuff! " Finnick said, causing Phoenix to run inside the weapon filled Cornucopia without a second thought. Her eyes suddenly fell on the two belts the were each lined with 12 shiny throwing knives.

Phoenix knew that the GameMakers had placed these specifically for her. She quickly took one of the belts off the wall, looking down at the sharp knives for a moment. She quickly adjusted the first belt around her waist and clipped it on securely. She looked at the other belt and knew she couldn't leave it behind.

Without a second thought, Phoenix looked at Finnick and adjusted the belt to fit Finnick's waist. Phoenix wrapped her hands around the man's waist and snapped the belt. " I need you to hold these for me. " Finnick noticed her hands snapping the belt of knives around his waist and immediately knew what she was doing.

" We need to try and find Katniss, Peeta, Mags, and Johanna. " Finnick reminded, not even noticing that Katniss was shooting an arrow into Gloss's calf right in front of them. Phoenix calls out Finnick's name before pointing down to Haymitch's jewelry they were both wearing.

With her bow now drawn, Katniss looks at Phoenix and Finnick, who were both holding up the hands that held her mentor's jewelry.  " Good thing we're allies, right? " Finnick smirked, tilting his head slightly to the side. Katniss looked at both of them, her face confused as she tried to process how or why they had Haymitch's jewelry on.

Katniss was panting while she had the internal battle with herself, but knowing deep down Haymitch did this for a reason. " Where did you two get that? " She questioned, still aiming her bow at Finnick. Phoenix had her other hand placed over one of the knives on her waist. " Where do you think? " She challenged, knowing Katniss was smart enough to put the pieces together.

Before Katniss could reply, both Phoenix and Finnick noticed the tribute from District 9 running towards Katniss, with the intent of killing her. " Duck. " The two said in unison before throwing both their weapons. Finnick's trident digging into his chest while Phoenix's knife dug into his neck.

The cannon fired and Phoenix ran past Katniss, grabbing her knife on the way past the man. Katniss watched Phoenix run past her and looked at Finnick, confused as to why the girl was running away. " Don't trust 1 and 2, and Cassian too. " Finnick told Katniss as he retrieved his trident from the man's chest.

Phoenix placed the knife back in her belt while running through the rocks that surrounded the Cornucopia, her head-turning in every direction to try and find Peeta and Johanna. She stops at the sight of Mags who immediately places one of her hands on Phoenix's shoulder, using her other hand to point towards the water.

Her gaze matched the older woman's pointing and saw Peeta being dragged into the water by another tribute Phoenix didn't recognize. Phoenix looked back at Mags but froze when she caught a glimpse of Johanna. She noticed Johanna was running away from the Cornucopia with Blight, Beetee, and Wiress by her side.

For a moment Phoenix battled with herself, wondering if she should call out for Johanna. Phoenix then thought back to the plan and almost swore she could hear Maeve's voice telling her to go for Peeta. " Finnick is over there with Katniss, I'll get Peeta. " And without another word Phoenix ran down the rock path before jumping in the water.

Now, swimming towards Peeta she watched him try to get away from the man, only to be dragged back into the water. Phoenix ignored the calls of her name and jumped on the back of the tribute that was trying to kill Peeta.

Suddenly the 3 tributes were submerged in the water, each fighting for dominance against the other. Phoenix suddenly felt an elbow slam into her stomach, making her swallow a large amount of water. With her oxygen running out she opened her eyes under the water, realizing she was still behind the man.

Phoenix's eyes began to burn from the water, causing her to close them again. With her eye shut, she wrapped her arms around the other tribute's head. Jerking his head to the side with all her force, Phoenix heard the crack from under the water.

A cannon rang out, causing her to open her eyes and let go of the man, watching his body as it quickly floated to the top. Phoenix was quickly faced with Peeta, feeling the last bits of consciousness begin to leave her body. Peeta grabbed onto Phoenix's hand, holding it tightly as he leads them both to the surface.

As soon as Phoenix felt the cool breeze hit her face she began coughing and gasping for air. Both she and Peeta trying to catch their breath after being underwater for longer than either of them are used too. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around her waist, Phoenix tenses up, knowing it wasn't Peeta, who was still next to her. 

" Relax, it's just me. " Finnick's reassured, before beginning to swim to the shore with Phoenix in his arms. Her body loosed as she let Finnick take her to the shore. " I got you now, it's okay. " He muttered, now holding her a bit closer to him for his own comfort. The sound of the cannon had not only scared Katniss, but Finnick too. Both tributes being afraid that the cannon belonged to their love.

Katniss grabbed onto Phoenix's hands, helping her up onto the rocks that she and Mags were standing on. Katniss then grabbed onto Peeta, holding onto his arms while both he and Phoenix were doubled over on the rocks, trying to cough up some of the water they had accidentally drunk.

" Phoenix? " Peeta called, making her look up from the ground. " Your eyes were closed, how did you know who to save? " He questioned, recalling the times he looked at Phoenix while they were under the water.

She began standing up, with the help of Finnick. " I kind of just hoped for the best. " She half-joked with a smile, causing a slight smile to spread on Peeta's face as he thanked Phoenix for saving him. Once Phoenix stood up completely she saw Katniss looking behind her. She turned her head, matching the gaze of Katniss and tensed up at the sight.

It was Cassian

He was standing on the other side of the rocks, with the tributes from Districts 1 and 2 next to him. Cassian felt the gaze of Phoenix and Katniss and looked over towards them, ignoring the plan Brutus was going over.

He immediately made eye contact with Phoenix but didn't say anything at all. Letting the smile on his face do all the talking for him. This was when Phoenix felt all her strength reenter her body. Grabbing one of her knives, Phoenix knew she could hit Cassian, and even if she missed it would still hit Enobaria.

Phoenix raised her hand and felt Finnick's hand clamp around her wrist. " Don't. " He warned, not wanting her to bring any more attention to them, knowing how hard it would be to defend Katniss, Peeta, and Mags in front of the Careers. But Phoenix held onto the knife harder, feeling Finnick's grip tighten. " Don't Phoenix. " He warned again, his voice low. She sighed in defeat before dropping her hand, knowing he was right.

She watched Cassian chuckle before he turned around to his alliance. Shaking her head Phoenix turned back to face her own group. " We gotta get out of here. " Peeta reminded, knowing the Cornucopia was one of the least safe places in the arena. " He's right. " Finnick agreed, finally letting go of Phoenix's wrist.

It wasn't long before Phoenix jumped back into the water, as they began swimming towards the beach. With Finnick holding onto Mags, they all swam in the water, watching the beach and jungle get closer and closer. Once reaching the beach Finnick hoisted Mags on his back before running into the jungle. " Katniss! Phoenix! Go, go, go! " Finnick hurried, with Phoenix, Katniss, and Peeta in front of him.

Now inside the jungle, the group hoped they would be safer in here than they would be on the beach.

𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 -  Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now