Chapter 6

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         When I saw Clary waking up I fell happy.  ,, Did you kissed me?" She asked Axl. He just watch at her. He huged her after I did.  I don't know why but I think all this is far to be finish.  That girl / phantom. ..Whatever. .. Isabelle, will come after her or after other persons.  I am afraid. ,, Let's go home." She said.  ,, I want home. Please,  Let's get out of here. " she said shaking.  She was shocked. I can read it on her face.

        Axl hold her in his arms until we arrieved at my home.  There was safe with dad and mom home. I get out of the car, Clary follow me. ,, Wait! I want to call me in the afternoon to tell me how do you feel. Take care of yourself.  And honey if you  need something... just asked." He said holding her hand and than kissed her forehead.  ,, I will. I promise.  Good... morning actualy.  Bye."

         We enter the house and go in my room. We fall asleep so quick.

        *next afternoon*

      ,, Wake up. It's 1 p.m." ,, Dad... Leave us alone. " ,, Happy Birthday Clary" my mom and dad were screaming and cover Clary with cream. ,, Hey. Thanks.  Sweet afternoon. " ,, yeah.  Come on... We want to show you something. " ,, I am still sleepping." ,, No you are not." My dad said took her in his arms eve she is almost like him... almost same High.  ,, No. Kurt, leave me."


       I jump out of my bed and run after them downstairs. In living room were Toby , David, Krist and Dave.  A big cake, some drinks and a guitar. A black lead guitar with a lot of stikers with bands logos. ,, Happy Birthday Clary " everybody said. She still had cream on her face. ,, Haha. You look like Santa." I said ,, yeah... than let Santa to give you a gift. " she pus the cream on my face. We were laughing and dad took us pictures.

        She go back upstairs, take a shower and come back. ,, Better now." She said. ,, What happend with your neck?" David asked.  ,, Where?" ,, Here." ,, I don't know.  It's a cut... Maybe I made it with my ring yesterdaym..."

           Toby came and kissed her. They where so cute together. But now somebody... is trying to stay between them. Axl can't understand? He is too old for her... Her phone called.  He was.

           ,,Happy Birthday Clary! How are you? " ,, I am fine."  Krist and Dave were behind her. They came closer and closer....

,, Surprise...." They had two confetty tubes and they start doing jazz hands. ,, What the hell? !"  She end the call without an other word. She knows Toby is there.  She is smart enough to keep Axl away from Toby and her....

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