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Clary ' s POV

I was waitting my friend, Frances, in front of her class room. I had my earphones and I was Listening Frances' father band: Nirvana. Yeah, my best friend is Frances Bean Cobain and her father is Kurt Cobain. We are 18 now. Last year of school. We will move together after we finish the school.

I saw the class room opening. Frances was the first who gets out. ,, Finally! I start thinking that you will not get out." ,, Me too. Shall we go? I am hungry. " ,, you are not the only one. Let's take some pizza from Dominos. " ,, Good idea. Do you want to stay at me tonight? " ,,Kurt is ok with it? I think he dosen't like me..." ,, We are friends since we were 6. He loves you... sometimes I think more than me." ,, really? I guesse yes. Why not? Anyway my parents are in holiday with my brother in Malibu. " ,, perfect."

We walk at Dominos and have Lunch. There were two Boys who were Watching us. Frances' phone starts ringing. ,, Where are you? " ,, At Dominos. Why? " ,,I arrieve in 5 minutes." ,, What?" ,, Dad is coming. " ,,Hi girls! What's up? " ,, Hi Kurt. We are fine . You? " ,,I just talk with your parents. I didn't see them for a while. Do you want to stay with us tonight, Sweety? " He didn't call me like that since I was 9 I think. ,, Sure. Frances ask me the same thing. But I need to go to my home to take my stuffs." ,,I will drove you."

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