Case 4: Illegal M/Sister's justice (Part 2)

Depuis le début

Judge: "Miss May. The court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony."

April: "I'm sorry, Your Honor. I'll be a good girl. I promise." She winks

Judge: "Your testimony again, if you would."

April: "I did see everything! I did! The victim--the woman--dodged the first attack and ran off to the right. Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her... And she hit her with that weapon! I saw it! I did! That... that clock! Um... the kinda statue-y clock? "The Thinker," I think? Well? Does the accuracy of my report not startle you? Tee hee!"

Judge: "I... see. I only wish you had been so detailed from the beginning. Please begin the cross-examination."

Phoenix: "Hmm..." He started thinking placing his hand on his chin until he thought of when she said about the Thinker "Wait a minute...OBJECTION!!!" Then a powerful wind started to breeze in the courthouse "Miss May. What you said just now was quite... revealing."

April: "Revealing? Oooh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? Naughty Mr. Lawyer~" Meanwhile Adam shivers just from hearing that even if he wasn't there

Phoenix: "You just said that this statue of "The Thinker" was a clock. But there's no way of knowing that just by looking at it!" April gulps out of nervousness "Another person in much the same position as you recently called this a "clock," too... And he was found guilty... of murder!" Que the jury muttering

Judge: "Order! Order!"

Phoenix: "Miss May. Can you explain how you know this was a clock?

April: "Uhh..."

Edgeworth: "Objection! The witness saw the murder with her own eyes! That's all that's important here! The defense is trying to confuse the issue with trivial concerns!"

Judge: "Yes... yes, of course. You will withdraw your question, Mr. Wright."

Phoenix: "Objection! But questions are all I have, Your Honor! And as you may recall, I've caught murderers with these questions before!"

Flashback ends temporarily

Adam: "But you only had one case and you figure out the murder with the help of Mia."

Phoenix: "Hey I'm trying to explain to you what happened don't interrupt me."

Adam: "Alright alright."

Adam's thought: "Douche."

Back to the flashback

Judge: The judge sighs "...Objection sustained. You may continue to question the witness." Phoenix sighed in relief

April: "Huh? What? So... what happens now?"

Phoenix: "What happens now is you answer my question! How did you know it was a clock?"

April: "What...! Th-that's...Because...I heard it? Yes! I heard it say the time!"

Phoenix: "So, you've been to the law offices of Fey & Co.!"

April: "N-n-no! Hey, I didn't say that! Why would I go there! I heard from my hotel room. Hee hee!"

Edgeworth: "The law offices of Fey & Co., where the murder took place, are very close to the hotel. She could easily have heard the clock!"

Judge: "Hmm. Well, Mr. Wright? Are you satisfied?"

Phoenix: "No, Your Honor! I'm not satisfied because she couldn't have heard it ring. After all, the clock is missing its clockwork." Then Phoenix wearing gloves to not contaminate the evidence open the clock from underneath to show that there is nothing in it whatsoever until he heard 'tsking' followed by a slow clap "Huh?"

Burning Justice (Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney X Kamen Rider W oc)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant