Chapter 26: Reunion

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Chapter 26:

Andrew's POV: 

"Nice to see you again Andrew", I heard her sweet voice say. My heart started to skip like rocks on a pond. The moment I turned around and saw her face, I knew that she was a crucial part of my life. I don't think it matters anymore if I am referring to my personal or professional life.

I hugged her immediately, and noticed how her body immediately got tense but then slowly started to immerse next to mine. She slowly started to put her arms around me, meanwhile starting to rub her head on my chest. Oh, this feels so right.................her being right here in my arms, with no one bothering us. 

"Ummmm.....Andrew", I heard Angel say in her soft voice. "Yes Angel?", I said as I squeezed her even more into the hug. "I need to breathe Andrew", she said trying to get out of my grasp.

"Breathing isn't really that important" I said while letting her go. She giggled softly and stared at me with her beautiful green emerald eyes. I was so mesmerized by them that I didn't notice what she was saying, until she was waving her hands in front of my face. 

"Huh? h-huh? Oh, I am sorry Angel, what were you saying?", I said blushing trying to look at anything else apart from her. 

"I was asking you how your trip has been?", She said trying to meet my gaze, while I was just avoiding it.

"It has been quite eventful trying to create new contracts with current and new businesses, as well as trying to get new investors. I am currently just trying to be able to get some sleep at night, but like my father says, if you sleep you have no success." I said trying to not be mesmerized by her. 

"Oh Andrew, I hope you don't actually believe that, success can be measured in different ways." She said still leaving her hold around my waist. I wouldn't mind it if she held me like this for a long time.

"I know Angel, but being in the business field it is a requirement to think of expansion and expenses while still keeping in mind your employees." I said holding her waist softly.

"I don't mean to ruin the mood of reunion, but I think we need to go get my luggage." Angel said while letting go of my waist. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why????????? I mean my waist isn't bothered by having your hands on it. 

"Oh right, how was your trip Angel?", I said while walking with her towards luggage pickup area.

"It was stressful, but I was able to calm down when I talked to a nice old man in the airplane." 


*back in the car*

"Are you hungry Angel? We can go get something to eat right now",  I said while opening the door for her to get into my car. 

"Sure I can go for some street tacos." Angel said while buckling her seatbelt. 

"Street tacos coming right up." I said running towards the driver seat. "Ummmm......What are street tacos? And where can I find them?" I asked her while turning on the ignition.

"What?!! You don't know what street tacos are?" Angel asked me with a shocked expression on her face.

"I'm sorry but I have never heard of them. But if you like them then I am sure I will like them." I said getting out of the parking lot which was a big mess of traffic. 

* 45 mins. later*

"Alright where do we go from here Angel?" I said trying to not lose my cool. 

We have been lost for the past 30 minutes, and something tells me that Angel is starting to get hangry. You know, when a person is angry because they are hungry or they haven't eaten in a long time. The thing is that she can either be just frustrated with being lost or just hungry.

"According to my GPS,  we were supposed to take a right turn at the last stop light. I HATE THIS GPS!!!", Angel said in a quite aggravated tone.

Yup! She's just hangry............Someone please save me!!!


Angela's POV:

"According to my GPS, we were supposed to take a right turn at the last stop light. I HATE THIS GPS!!!" I said in a very aggravated tone. I want to eat tacos already!!!! I was in an airplane for hours and I haven't eaten yet. I'm starving!!!!!

"Angel, calm down, is there another direction to get to the taco place?" Andrew said in a tense tone.

"Yeah but it's an extra half hour to get there. All I wanted were tacos!!! I thought you knew the roads well Andrew?" I said pouting but still in an angry tone. 

" I have been here for a few months, but that doesn't mean that I know all of the streets by heart. Let me look at the GPS and see what we can do to make the trip faster." He said getting my phone away from my hands.

"You can start by asking for directions!" I said meanwhile my hanger started getting to my head. 

"No, I can do this!", Andrew yelled back at me. Of course, men cannot ask for directions from another person. It's like it kills their ego or something. 

Please turn right on the Parker St., my phone started to say again. 

"Okay, now I am going to go at a slower speed." Andrew said while slowing down the car.

"Oh brother, this better be good. By the rate in which we're going we're never going to get to the taco place ever."

"Oh we will Angel, but we are just going to get there in another half hour." Andrew said while facing the road in front of us. 

Oh lucky stars!!!!!! Please give me the patience to not become a murderer today, just because someone doesn't want to ask for directions. 


Author's Note (kind of serious):

Hello everyone! I hope that in this moment of pain and instability happening all over the world, we all find a sense of hope, love, and patience to continue giving life a happy face. I know that a happy face will not make bad things go away from our respective lives, but it will give us all a sense of hope for each other and for the rest of the world. Please do not lose hope, I hope my books will give you a smile and laughter.......................................................Also, can any of ya'll relate to Angela? Have ya'll ever been hangry? Please comment your different experiences of being hangry or having someone be hangry with you. 

Best Wishes,


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