Chapter 20: The hard part about saying goodbye

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Chapter 20:
Andrew's POV:

     I walked into the office for the last thing that I had to do on my checklist, say goodbye to my angel. I walked into the Chairman floor, and I saw her there putting the last file from her desk into the cardboard box. I walked up to her and said, "Hi."


     "Good afternoon sir, how are you doing with your packing?" she replied.


"I am on my way to the airport, I just came to say goodbye." I said, hoping to see some form of sadness from her for my parting but she rather just stayed there in a monotone state.

"'ll see it is a good change sir, for the better hopefully." She said carrying her box and heading towards the elevator. I followed closely behind and I took the box away from her.

"What are you doing, Sir?", she said raising her eyebrow to me. "I am being a gentleman Madam." I replied cockily.

"I did not know that those qualities existed within you, sir?" She said smiling at me. Oh, what I would do to see that smile every day.

"Just because I don't use it often; does not mean that these qualities do not exist within me." I said smiling back. "How do you feel about working with Maximilian?" I asked, feeling scared about the response that she will give me.

Angela's POV:

"How do you feel about working with Maximilian?" Andrew asked me.

Even though, it is for the better of the company for Andrew to go to New Hampshire; I can't help but feel sad that I only got to work with him for a short amount of time, however something tells me that our journey has not yet come to an end.

"Max is an old friend and I know that I will be able to learn a lot from him since he has been in the business longer than I have." I replied in a sad tone.

"Why do you say it in such a sad tone Angel?" Andrew asked in a concerned tone.

"B-B-Because......", before I could continue the elevator dinged and opened its doors.

Phew!!!!!! He cannot know that his transferring is the cause for my sadness. What is the point of creating feelings when he is not going to be here?

"You haven't answered my question Angel? Why are you sad?" Andrew asked again.

"I am not sad Andrew, rather I am conscious of a new change in environment." I replied, trying to sound assertive; trying to not let the sadness get to me.

The elevator dinged again telling us that we have arrived to the fifth floor, and we started walking towards Max's office.

"Listen Angel....." Andrew started to say, when suddenly Max opened the door of his office and walked out.

"Angela! Hello!" Max said a little too excitedly for my liking, as he started walking towards me.

Andrew's  POV:

     "Angela! Hello!" I heard Max say from afar. REALLY?! What does this prick want? This is my last chance to talk to her before I leave and this guy just decides to waltz in and ruin my chance. Oh, how I would like to roast him right now, metaphorically and literally.

"Boy am I glad to see you. I can't wait to teach you everything, you have so much to learn." Max said getting a grasp of Angela's wrist. I immediately got tense and put the weight of the box on one hand and with my other hand I got her other wrist, "Where do you think you are taking Angel?" I said angrily towards Max.

"I am taking her to her new job position, sir." Max said in a nonchalant tone while giving me a smirk.

"Well, in case you didn't know Maximilian, I am the boss here, therefore I decide when she is going to actively participate in her job position. So, personally Maximilian, I recommend you keep in mind that YOUR job position is already on the line due to the amount of disrespect that you just gave me." I said smiling in a cocky tone. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew-1 and Max-0.

"Now, if you have any type of respect if not for me then for this company that has maintained your lavish lifestyle, please give me a moment alone with Angela." I said to Max giving him a stern look.

Max gave me a glare but obliged, and with that I turned to look at Angela.

"Listen Angela, I was wondering if you would let me text you and/or have a video chat with you every day?" I said giving her a small hopeful smile. 

"Sure Andrew, I would not mind that at all." she said giving me that gorgeous smile that just melts my heart. 

"Well, I hope you have a safe trip and please be safe." She said extending her hands towards me. 

I denied her hand and gave her a hug, meanwhile she stood in shock at my sudden action but then she slowly started to envelope me in her warm embrace. 

"Thank you for everything Angela." I said giving her a small awkward hug. 

After a minute or two we got away from each other and she started to walk towards Maximilian. I felt like an important part of my heart was being snatched away from me for good. 

I started to walk towards the elevator and towards a new future without Angela for a while, and when I walked into the elevator I saw her straight into her eyes and said "Goodbye Angela."

I saw Angela look back at me and say "Goodbye Andrew", and with that I saw the elevator doors close and I felt the descending sensation of the elevator as my heart sensed that nothing good will come from my parting for a few months. 


Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

I know I have not updated in almost three years but I do want to say that I am working on a new project that I wish to display in a few months. The next chapter will be updated in around two weeks. What do you think will happen with these two? Also if you would like a shout out in my next update please comment food is life.

With love,



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