Chapter 11: Operation: Todocorgi is a GO!

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Tamaki and Nejire take the rest of the students to safety near the gates of the school. Meanwhile, the team is getting ready by being in position. Hawks and Bakugo are on one side with Midoriya in front of them. Mirio , Eri and Ochaco are waiting for their queue and Iida and Yaoyorozu are standing a few feet apart from everyone. 

"Ready everyone?" says Hawks.
Everyone nods. 

Midoriya shouts "One for All Full Cowling 5%" as he releases a small but powerful gust of wind powerful enough to break the icicles creating that small space. " Ready, spiky guy?" says Hawks teasingly to Bakugo. "Just lift me you damn half-bird!" he shouts. Hawks does as he is told and lifts Bakugo to that safe space. "Hey, IcyHot Corgi! Look at this!" Bakugo says as he produces mini explosive fireworks with his quirk, delighting the mindless corgi for a couple of minutes. "That's our queue!" Mirio tells Ochaco. She uses her quirk and lifts him up, he then uses his own quirk to pass through the icicles. He gets close to Todocorgi but removes some of the icicles out of his way so that when he'll stop using his quirk, he doesn't get impaled. Ochaco is on the verge of throwing up but holds it together as best as she can, it's too bad Mirio is taking his sweet time making room for himself. He finally creates a safe space for himself to deactivate his quirk and grab the corgi. The entire team shouts "YES!" Yaoyorozu and Iida prepare for landing and do their thing. She creates a giant pillow and Iida is ready right next to it. 

"Huh, I expected this to be harder than it was, Todocorgi is not showing any signs of anger or anything," Mirio says as he turns Todocorgi around and notices a blank, emotionless face. "Hey, Todoroki, you ok in there buddy?" Todocorgi remains silent and blank when suddenly rays of light start emitting from the corgi blinding everyone and with that the icicles start falling. "Crap!" utters Hawks as he and Bakugo get rained on by icicles. Yaoyorozu dismantles the huge pillow and creates two metal shields over herself, Iida, Ochaco and Eri and one for the other students. Hawks and Bakugo take cover with Yaoyorozu and the others. "What the hell is happening?" says Bakugo.

The icicles have all fallen, Yaoyorozu dismantles the metal shields and now they can witness the glorious moment that's about to occur. The corgi becomes a pure beam of light but the dimmer it got the more it looked like the figure was changing shape. Sora says "He's turning back!" Everyone lets out a sigh of happiness and watches the transformation happen before their eyes. Just like that the chaotic corgi transforms as two magical lines of frost and fire go round the body as it's being reversed leaving Mirio with one less corgi but one more Todoroki. Mirio holds him and reassures him. However, this sweet moment will have to be cut short as Ochaco can't hold on to her quirk and throws up rainbows galore. Mirio and Todoroki start falling from a dangerous height. Hawks flies to their rescue and brings them down to safety.

The entire class goes to embrace Todoroki but quickly back up as they realize he's naked. Mirio gives him his jacket and Yaoyorozu whips up a blanket fast and gives it to him. "What happened?" he asked with a confused look on his face. Sora comes forward and tells him long story short, she turned him into a corgi for a day by mistake. Deku asks him what the last thing he remembered was, to which Todoroki answered with the Puppy Trials meaning he has no recollection of what happened when he was in Todocorgi mode. He looks around painfully aware that he caused all of this damage, he looks at the dorms with that huge glacier in the middle and cringes. "Did I really do that?" he says as points to the dorms. The class chuckles nervously. "Yes but also no."

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