choose || s.s.

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When I woke up that morning, the sky roaring with thunder while a merciless rain slapped my glass-made windows, I was hit by a feeling deep in my gut that something bad was going to happen. It wasn't the first time I experienced those feelings, I was quite sensitive. But normally, I would ignore it. Shrug it off, take a cool shower and do whatever I had to in the rest of the day. Now I come to think I should have listened to my senses.

Since it was Saturday, I decided to call my boyfriend. One I had nurtured such great love from the moment he asked me to be his, I was doubtlessly sure he would be the one to cause my downfall should we break up one day. Stiles said quietly that he had some business to attend, but that, later, he would come to my place so we could spend time together. I should have noticed something was off. Swimming within his voice.

As soon as Stiles ended the call, the uneasy sensation came back, my hands shaking, bottom lip quivering in an abrupt fear. I knew things between us had grown distant through the course of the one year that we had been together, but I thought this meant we were settling to one another, growing used to rely on the other.

I was so wrong!

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I hugged my own legs tight against my chest. I couldn't believe he broke the promise he had made to me. The only thing I ever asked... Now I was left shattered. Broken over some love my boyfriend swore it was over. I didn't blame Lydia for engaging into this double life. Misguiding me into thinking they had nothing but a strong friendship. Sometimes we get caught up in complicated situations where nothing instead of our instincts command.

The memory of them tangled together haunted my dreams. I still could recall every single detail from that evening: how there were crushed flowers by the door when I walked in and clothes thrown on the floor, scattered due to the hush they were probably taken off. A selfish part of me regretted being in that living room, finding out the bitter truth. I wanted to be oblivious so I wouldn't have to make him choose.

My friends told me I should hate him for that. Scream. Make a complete scandal. But I couldn't. My love toward him was far too great to open up space for a single drop of hate. No. I was willing to forgive him. Giving that he would pick me instead of her, of course. Allison threw her hands in the air, arguing I was insane. Malia agreed. It was delicate matter. I knew that very well. But I had made my choice.

Reaching for my phone, that was lying on my nightstand, I contemplated the text I sent him a couple minutes ago, asking him to come over. It had been a week since we last saw each other, after I opened up to him about what I saw that night. Stiles mumbled excuses, apologising, crying even. I kindly asked him to give me time. I needed to think things over. Analyse my situation. Now I felt ready to talk. To discuss our options. Everything was up to him. I craved that he needed me just as much as I needed him, otherwise I feared I would face a difficult path ahead me.

Two knocks brought me back to my reality.

"May I come in?" His hoarse voice quizzed, head sneaking inside. "We need to talk."

"Yes, we do." I agreed, inhaling deeply and straightening out my position. "Sit here, next to me."

"Baby, I am so sorry for what have done. I never meant to hurt you, you have to know that, I-"

With a soft smile on my lips, I silenced him by placing my index finger against his smooth, plump ones. There were dark circles under his bloodshot honey eyes. I could tell he was just as troubled as I was. It comforted my heart a little bit to know I wasn't the only one to despise this situation.

"Let me go first, please." After he gave me a quick nod, I continued. "The fact you... You cheated - I whispered in a trembling voice - on me, it has caused me much pain. I thought I had made very clear I didn't want to be in a relationship with half a person. I wanted, want, all of you."

"I want you too." His tone was frail, teardrops risking to fall anytime. "I, fuck, I shouldn't put you in this position. I shouldn't. I am so sorry for that."

"Don't, Stiles, please." Cupping his cheeks, I sighed while I caved into the feeling of his stubble against my palms. "I also don't want to paint myself as a victim. I'm not. I was well aware of your feelings for Lydia."

"No, you shouldn't... I shouldn't. I'm sorry. I know it doesn't change anything, but I want your forgiveness."

"You already have it." A daring tear rolled down his cheek, my thumb swiftly wiping it away. "Actually, I had decided to do so even before you got here. I love you, Stiles, more than I should."

"More than deserve."

An welcoming silence enveloped us for a moment. Stiles then, probably driven by his own emotions, leaned forward, pressing our lips together in a rather ravenous kiss. I didn't push him away, cave in by threading my fingers into his soft locks. I wondered, though, what was happening inside his head.

Perhaps it was harder choice than I had considered. I was sure of his fondness towards me, his love and care. But... Did he need me in his life? Many might question what is the difference. If there's love, there must be need. They're wrong, though.

A fine line divides those two concepts. Most of the time you are willing to give up on your love, you know you might able to survive without them, but when you need someone? Oh... They become the air you breathe, the food and energy your body craves. You cannot bring yourself to let them go.

I desperately wanted to know if this was the way he felt about me. The only question. Yes or no.

"Does it mean we are okay?" The brunet mumbled, gasping. "You're still very quiet."

"I have forgiven you, but I also have something to ask you. Promise me you'll be honest."

"I promise, my love. What is it?"

"Me or her?" My tone was so low I wasn't sure he heard. Nonetheless, his features showed me he did. Stiles grew serious, a sinking feeling overpowering my stomach. "Oh, I see."

"I love you, Y/N. I do."

"But you need to be with her."

Stiles nodded, briefly kissing me, eyes heavy with guilt. I understood, then, that all his questions were his way to know if we were going to remain friends. But how could I settle for the petals when I owned the a garden?

I drew a sharp breath, doing my best to hold back my tears. His large hand caressed my back, pulling me to lie against his chest. Although his choice meant we were no longer a couple, he was still my best friend. He still cared about me enough to not want me to suffer.

"Do you want me to go?"

"I-I... I don't want you to go, never. But I think it's best if you do."

"Baby... I never wanted this to happen."

"Me neither. Just, don't announce your relationship with her just yet. Let things settle for awhile."

"I promise I won't. I don't want you more hurt than you already are."

With one last kiss on my cheek, he left me all by myself with a bleeding heart.

it was the difference between 'i love you' and 'i need you'

and you told me you loved me

which could only mean

you needed her - rupi kaur

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