CH. 8

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(Lexi's POV)

It was now the next day and we were doing rounds and just my luck Mark and Owen were on time case that I was also on.

Mark was looking at a screen and talking "Doctor Hunt and his team will recover that of the donor facial graft. Placing 70% of Mr. Young's face. You can see the deficit here." He points to the face stimulater on the screen. Patient pointed to his own face "or here." The whole room started giggling but all I could think about was how hot Mark was when working.

Owen starts talking "the donor recovery will include his nose, his left eye and lips." Mark then asked "why is outer transportation better than other techniques?" My hand shot up and Owen nodded my way as Mark smiled at me "better asthetic outcome which allows for re inervation of the facial nerves giving a better functional result."

What can I say? I wanted to impress Mark....

Owen smiles and nods "very good doctor Grey." Mark spoke again "then we'll remove the do we know when we're in the clear?" I then shouted the answer out this time "when the graph turns pink." Mark smirks at me "excellent." I smirk and look down out of embarrasment.

Mark then looks to the patient "do you have any questions for us?" The patient gulps and I feel bad for him "as anyone seen the donor?" Mark nods "yes. It matches with your age, skin tone and blood type." The patient nods in understanding "what does he look like?" Mark just smiles that beautiful, comforting smile of his "I think you'll be satisfied." The patient does a sorta smile "who am I kidding? It's a face, right? If end up better than a freak, I'm gonna call it a success."

We all leave the room and I go to the desk And wait to be assigned to a patient.

Mark comes out and opens the patient that we just left chart.

Please be me, please be me

"Grey and Stevens"


Meredith speaks up "yes?" Mark shakes his head "other grey." I smile and stand up a little more "really?" Everyone else rolls their eyes and I shy away a little.

Mark nods "you did an awesome job in there, why don't you call me when pre op labs come back."

I nod and look down.

George crosses his arms "doctor Sloane, do you only need one resident?" Mark ignores him and says "the rest of you go with Bailey. I think she's in the pit." He then walks away.

I smile to myself but it quickly goes away when I see all the interns staring at me and giving me dirty looks.

I sigh and try to ignore them by walking away.

We were currently in surgery and I kept looking at the viewing deck to see the other interns giving me dirty looks and whispering and laughing.

I sigh and look back down, I wanted to cry but I can do that later. I had a job right now.

I guess Mark saw how upset I was so he looked up at me and said "have you ever put a new face on someone?" My eyes went wide "really?" He laughed and nodded "you can do it." I took the face out of the water with the two clamps and gently put them on the patients face.

I was so accomplished but when I looked up at the viewing place, there were even more dirty looks and laughing.

Mark looked up to and looked back at me and whispered "Lex? You ok?" I snapped out of it and said "Doctor Sloane, may I be excused?" Mark nodded and I took off my scrubs for surgery and my gloves and my surgical mask. I then walked out of the room with tears silently falling down my face.

I was  now in the corner of the supply closet, crying my eyes out when Mark walked in "hey. You ok?" I did a heartless laugh "Ha! Do I look ok?" Mark sat next to me "you're better than all those twits. Ok? You deserve to be treated better." I smile and wipe my eyes "is the patient in his room?" Mark nods.

I get up and and say "I'm going to check his vitals." I then walk out while drying my tears.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face. I then look in the mirror and pump myself up "you are Lexi Grey, you amazing and smart and talented. Don't give a crap what they say. Show them that you are better." After the pep talk I felt a lot better and then actually went to check on the patient.


It was now towards the end of my shift and I was putting everything in the computer while trying to ignore the interns and how they were saying I was only using Mark.

Speaking of....

Mark passed right by the interns and gave them a death glare. He then stood right next to me and started flipping through charts and files to see if he missed anyone. I then got a crazy idea...

I looked at him and he looked at me but I looked back at the computer and he looked back at his paperwork and sighed. He was about to turn away but I grabbed him by the face and pulled him into a long, passionate and hot kiss.

He was hesitant at first but then gave in and kissed me back as he put his hand on my waist.

When we pulled apart I was breathing heavily and my lips were probably plump and red but I didn't care. Mark smiled and said "doctor grey."

Mark looked at the group of interns that had shut up and looked shocked and so I started talking "they think you're taking advantage of me...they think that I'm using you." Mark looked back at me as I kept talking "but they don't know us...they think that were ugly...but I know that we're beautiful and we can adapt to a hostile environment..." I then walk away and Mark smirks.

After I changed outta my scrubs I met Mark in the lobby and he put out his hand so I can grab it.

We we're almost to the door when we heard more interns laughing and gossiping about me and I was sick of it. I guess Mark was sick of it too.

Mark turned around and spoke "Listen up! Lexi and I are a couple she is not using me and I am not taking advantage. She gets on most of my surgery's because she is the best intern and you all are the duds. You all are freaks and don't know how to take orders, you make fun of her because you all are jealous because she is not a dud. I'm the attending, I am the boss of all of you. That also means I can make your lives a living hell. Start being nicer to Lexi, if I hear that you're talking negatively about her again or cause her pain in anyway you will not see the inside of the O.R. for 3 months and you will be on Scut for 5months. There is no bullying at Seattle Grace. Do I make myself clear?" 

All the interns and residents all froze and gulped. Mark raised his voice "AM I CLEAR!!??" everyone nodded fast. Mark smirked "Good, NOW SCRAM!" everyone then ran off to check on patients and run labs.

Mark and I then walked out of the hospital. "Joe's?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled "Joe's."

God, I'm so in love with this man...

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