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(Lexie's POV)

It has been a few weeks being here and I have already become sorta friends with George and I slept with Alex.

Meredith sorta, kinda likes me....ok, she's not Gaga over me yet but we're getting along, aside from the glares and telling me I'm not her sister so to leave her alone...everything is just...fine.

I also found out that George is repeating his intern year so there's that.

I was now at the Hospital writing paperwork and waiting to be paged when I saw Alex walking towards me "hey." I smile "hey." He sighs "look, about this morning." I decide to cut him off "yeah, what about this morning? I was finally in a good place with my sister and then she catches me about to have sex with one of her friends."

Alex sighs "I'm sorry." I roll my eyes playfully and look at the on call room. He follows my eyes and smirk as we run off.


A few hours later I was at the desk doing paper work when Mark came up to me "hey little grey." Did I mention I now have a crush on Mark....f my life.

"Really? Little Grey?" Mark shrugged "what? You're Meredith's sister and you're younger so little Grey it is." I rolled my eyes at his wit.

I look back down at one of my patients charts and sigh as I still feel Marks presence. I slowly look back up to see him standing there.

I sigh "can I help you or..." He smirks "how would you like to be on my service?" I sigh "I don't know.." Mark nudges me "come on. You're an intern. Interns are supposed to learn from different surgeons. So with that said. You're on my service." He then walks away with a smug look on his face.

I sigh and close the chart. I turn around to find Meredith right in front of me. I jump as she says "Lexie, you're a good girl. Mark is not someone you want to be with. So don't even think about it." I furrow my eyebrows "you said the same thing about Alex." Meredith shrugs "well Mark is worse than Alex so." I laugh "I have a patient." I then walk away to check on my patient.


I was sitting at the desk and doing some research that Christina asked all her interns to do when I was paged to start prepping this guy for surgery since he was on Marks work load, apparently she has a tumor on her toung and to remove it we have to take out her tounge and make one with skin from her elbow. Mark was freaking out because this lady loves talking and if this surgery goes wrong she may never talk again.

We we're currently fixing her up when Mark said "you know Derek told me to stay away from you...but you also need a lot more things to learn." I nod my head, afraid to speak as I start to help finish the lady up with Marks help of course.

After Mark went home I stayed until the patient woke up. Once she woke I asked her how she was feeling and she croaked out a small "hi." I gasped. Mark did it...she actually spoke. I wanna tell him but I can't because Meredith told me to stay away from him.

When my shift was over  I was on my way home but I just kept thinking about Meredith telling me not to talk to Mark and apparently Derek telling Mark not to talk to me and then Mark telling me that I need to be taught more.

God, what is wrong with me? I bite my lip and try to stop thinking about how it must feel to have Marks lips on my neck and his huge- NO! STOP IT!! he is an Attending...I'm an intern...just keep driving home...

Awe, fuck it.

I make a U-turn and go to the apartment that Marks living in.

I knock on the door to Marks apartment and he opens the door looking hot as ever.

"You made her speak...Mrs. Patterson...she said 'hi'...she made her speak." Mark kept looking at me like he didn't know what to say so I decided to take it into my own hands and walk into the apartment.

Once I was in I turned to Mark who looked at me with a confused look still holding the door "I respect a a a teacher I respect you. So...teach me." I start taking off my jacket. Mark shook his head disappointed "what are you doing?" I go to take off my shoes as he says "don't do that...stop." I ignore him "teach me." He sighs and closes the door "stop." I keep trying to take off my shoes "teach me." He shakes his head "we can't do this. You're little Grey. And I promised that- I'm your teacher." After I get my second shoe off I stand straight up "so...teach me." I take off my purple turtle neck to show my purple lace tank top. And he covers his eyes "oh, Lexi." I throw the shirt aside "teach me."  I take off the purple tank top to show off my purple lace bra "teach me."

I then notice that he's contemplating something and I suddenly get insecure and think this was a mistake but I try to cover it up "come on, am I really so bad?"  Mark is breathing heavy "no...I am." He starts walking towards me and take my face in his left hand and goes in for a kiss that I happily except. I know this will probably be a one night stand but at this moment I don't care as he drags me to his bedroom.

But I will change him and I will make him mine.

I, Lexi Grey, will change the Mark Sloane...

Cross My heart and hope to die.

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