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(Lexie's POV)

So far with Mark it's been great, I mean really great, the sex is sooooo good...anyways, weeks have passed and we were upstairs in Meredith's attic because that's where I'm sleeping. OH! By the way, Meredith let me move in because I had no where to go after moving out of my alcoholic dad's house. So yay, she does not hate me.

Anyway, We had just finished doing, you (quietly of course) and he let me wear his t-shirt which was really long on me, but it was comfortable.

Mark was currently standing at the door and I was watching him like a little child. Alex, Izzie, George, Meredith and Christina were downstairs cleaning.

Mark sighs "how am I supposed to sneak out the house when it's like a frat party down there, don't you guys ever sleep?" I smile and roll my eyes "they're all cleaning because Derek's mother is visiting." Mark closed the door and turned to me in shock "Mrs. Shepherds Seattle?"

I try not to laugh "so?" Mark gets panicky "so that women basically half raised me, taught me right from wrong. If she found out that I was, that we were..." I furrow my eyebrows as he keeps talking. "You're Meredith's little sister, you're a forbidden fruit, you are're a fetus." I scrunched up my nose and sucked air through my teeth "24, I skipped 3rd grade." Mark then gets a pouty face "I feel dirty." I laugh because it was cute when he got all pouty like.

After we made out for a little bit more Mark said "Ok, I really have to go before Derek gets home." I groaned "fine, see you at the hospital." Mark kisses me one more time, puts on his shirt and Jacket and slowly walks downstairs and out the door.

(At the hospital)

I was currently carrying tons of binders with patients stuff in them and I was walking next to Meredith who was walking next to Izzy who was panicking about Meredith's first impression on Dereks mother. Let me tell you. Meredith's smile is not pretty. I then was caught off guard when I saw Mark walk past to Derek and who I'm guessing was Derek's mother.

(If you didn't tell already no one knows about us.)

Meredith was still freaking out about meeting the mother so I calmed her down as best I could and the felt my pager buzz. "Damn..I gotta go. You'll do great. Don't worry." I then walk off.

(Lunch time)

It was lunch and I had just gotten my food. I was looking for a place to sit when I saw Mark I sit down next to him with sigh. Mark gives me that 'what are you doing?' Look and I just smirk "you sleep with me, you lunch with me, new rule."

After one solid minute my friends walk over and one of them says "you let interns eat with you doctor Sloane? That is so cool." Mark gives me a 'really' look and I mentally face palm.

Mark then coughs and whispers to me "I have to go." I just nod while an apologetic smile appears on my face.

I go back to talking to my friends and we're smiling and laughing and I'm thankful that I had friends like these. Cause we get each other. I look back and see Mark staring off into the direction that Derek's mom just exited from.

After lunch I finish taking care of patients and I am finally ready to go home. I'm sitting on a little couch waiting for the elevator doors to open so I can leave with Mark and when the doors open I see Mark and Callie.

I shouldn't be worried...right?


I smile anyways and Callie smiles back and Mark walks out and says to Callie "Stand tall." Callie furrows her eyebrows "what?" He then leans into the elevator and says something which must've been pretty good advice because Callie seemed less tense after.

Mark and I then walk home and I am so happy that this guy is mine...well not technically, it's still just sex. But I can tell that he's slowly changing and becoming more soft around me.

I'm lost in thought when I feel a big, comforting hand slip into mine. I look down and see his hand in mine. I look back up at him and smile "better be careful doctor Sloan." Mark smiles and says "we have Meredith's place all to ourselves for a few hours..." He doesn't even have to finish because I'm already dragging him out the door.

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