He glared at me,"I would have died if I had stayed inside the house. When I woke up, I was in the hospital with broken ribs and a fractured hand."

How easy it is for him to say all these so casually! If only he had listened to me and not underestimated Veer but no Arjun Mehra never listens to anyone! If he listens then his height will decrease by an inch!

I fumed,"How easily you are saying all these?! Do you know what I went through?! I was lifeless and I use to keep asking myself that why did I listen to you and left you alone with him?! Why did I let you promise him to save my life?! I use to keep thinking what I could have done to change your mind?! I use to keep thinking what will happen to me if something must have happened to you?!"

"Radhika, I....."

I cut him off,"Shut up! I am not finished yet, you will listen to me, you put me through so much, Arjun. I never thought I could forgive you but here I am crying for you! You have made me so helpless, so weak and so vulnerable. I have cried so much in the last one month that...." I broke down reliving those moments of sheer purgatory.

He looks remorseful,"I am sorry, baby. You are my talisman, my lifeline, my ladyluck, my everything. You and this little one kept me alive, without you in my life, I am as good as dead."

"How did you survive the fall?!" I asked him.

"Radhika, I have been an adventurous guy always, the things I use to do if I tell you, then you'll start hitting me. I wasn't scared when I use to pull all those stunts because I didn't care if I lived or died but this time I was so fucking scared that I could hear my pounding heart in my ears. I landed on the grass that surrounds our house and I think I was blown away by the explosion. I am just happy I didn't break anything that couldn't be fixed. So back in one piece!" He chuckled but I didn't because I didn't find it funny at all. He has the nerve joke about it and laugh it off but I take a deep breath in to calm my anger down.

"When will you be good to go home?!" I asked him seriously.

"You should ask the doctor that but I think I am good to be discharged."

"We will see." Not until you are fit to go home.

He stared at me,"How are you?! How is the baby?!"

I smiled,"I will be lying if I tell you I am fine and the baby is fine. I complete my fifth month tomorrow so we can get to know the gender now if you want to know."

"I want to know the second they can tell us." He smirked.

"Why am i not surprised?!" I teased him.

"Healthy first but a boy will be a wonderful thing." He said dreamily.

Of course, he wants an heir to pass on his legacy and of course he is paranoid about having a babygirl but I know he will love her with all his heart once she will be here. How can you not love your own flesh and blood?!

"You need to rest, sleep." I remind him.

His joyous gaze stayed on me,"I want to keep looking at you, in that one moment, I thought I will never see you again, I will never be able to feel my child growing inside you, I will never be able to hold him, I thought everything is lost but your face flashed in my mind, and I knew I had to come back to you and nothing could tear us apart. I love you so much, Radhika."

Even the thought that you could have died is enough to gives me unbearable pain. I can't live without you, I have grown so used to you, your temper tantrums, your arrogance, your love, your care, your 'I know it all' smirk, your looking at me in a way that makes me feel you have eyes just for me, your unshakable determination to put others before you, your wanting to make everything alright, I can never imagine my life without you.

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