Chapter 3: Can I Attack Him Now!?

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*I Married Him for Them*

*Chapter 3: Can I Attack Him Now!?*

"What do you mean I don't get to pick!?" I squealed, "I don't get to choose if I get an ugly guy or a hot one?" I pursed my lips, crossing my arms across my chest. "If I have to do this, can't I get a sexy one? Keep that in mind. If you think he's sexy, get rid of him."

I had to admit. Paris hadn't the slightest idea what kind of guys I liked. What, I'd had one boyfriend in my life, and she didn't understand why I'd liked his hot ass skater hair. If you're a teenage girl, you know why I liked his hair. Skater boy hair is just sexy!

"I'll pick who I think is best for you, Add, now go on." After sticking my tongue out at the woman, I ran to the fridge and grabbed a cup. I plucked a straw into it and began to sip the blood from the cup.

The doorbell rang and I skipped to the door, stopping as a man arrived before it. My head tilted. He was tall and had dark brown hair; almost black. His shoulders were broad, and his face wasn't of a boy's, but of a man's. His skin was that pale white that I recognized. "Who are you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm King Terrance, young Princess. May I come in?" I looked at Paris, who held a list of Princes in her hand. She looked up and smiled as she saw the man behind the threshold.

"Adelaide, Dear, don't just stand there. Let the man in." I did as she said and tugged the door open, curious about where he was from.

I lived in one of the many kingdoms. Our society was harsh and complicated. Basically, there were 150 kingdoms in our world. There weren't humans around us, we were separated from them all. We had our own place, though we had many different servants that were human, like Ivan.

The Kingdoms were all ruled by a King and a Queen, but there were rules set by the President of the Kingdoms. It wasn't fun. Pottzy, the man that had sent me the letter, was the President, obviously.

"I'd like to talk to you alone, Lady Paris," King Terrance said aloud. Paris nodded and looked at me.

"Adelaide, please." I nodded and left the room. Yeah right. Like I was going to just ignore that some mysterious King came onto our door step. Not a chance.

I crouched down beside the end of the stairs and listened to the conversation. I bit down on my lip and closed my eyes.

"I have two sons. My first son, Candon is the first heir to the kingdom," he cleared his throat and took a seat on the comfy recliner that I always sat in. That dick. That was my chair! Paris proceeded by taking a seat on the couch and locking eyes with the King. "My second son, Cayden is up for grabs, since your Princess there will need a husband."

Paris smiled, "thank you, your highness." You couldn't say no to a King, if you were under his power. So, this was the man I was going to marry? Some second heir to a kingdom named Cayden? What kind of name was that anyways. I rolled my eyes and walked back down the stairs.

I threw myself down on the couch that Paris was sitting on, not caring that a King was in the room. I threw my legs onto Paris's lap and smiled. "So, is your son a hottie? Because if he's not, I think I'll pass," I paused, "actually, either way I think I'll pass."

Paris looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh, my bad. I meant to say: Is your son a hottie sir." The King stood up and cleared his throat.

"It's obvious I am not welcome here. Just please, think of what I've said." Paris pushed my feet off of her and escorted Terrance to the door.

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