Chapter Twelve: Alchemy Presents....

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I sat in shock on the floor beside him. He looked at me confused for a moment before rushing over to a shelf and pulling out a book titled "Alchemy For Beginners". I don't remember that book, and openly said so. He started to search for the author's name on the title, but didn't find one.

"Hand it here. It might be signed in the back." I said, taking the book and flipping the pages to the back. It was hand written.


I made this in case there's ever an emergency and I can't help. But I've also made it to thank you. You've helped teach me a lot, and along with letting me use your library, have allowed me your friendship too. This book has small, advanced spells and potions every here and there. The first chapter is all you need to know about how to use alchemy. Please learn what you can.


I stared at the book. Takashi walked over with a raised brow. He gasped at the handwriting as I frantically flipped to the first chapter. She had spoken truth when she said this was what we needed to know. I read aloud and watched as Takashi took quick notes. He would be the runner and I would work on the combinations as he got ingredients.

It was a frantic chase, and it must've tired him to run without breaks, let alone sprinting like he was. But soon it was finished and this time we both ran to the clinic. Takashi almost collapsed from exhaustion, but Daisuke helped him. I read the directions carefully on how she had to take it. She started to cough and I tilted her up, placing the handkerchief over her lips and then lying her back down. The directions said she'd have to swallow it. She wouldn't be swallowing it in this condition.

"Daisuke, how can we get her to swallow this?" I held up the small bright orange potion and he thought for a moment.

"Hand it here." He ordered, grabbing it and going over to the pantry. He pulled out four teacups and tea supplies. I heard him muttering under his breath "please, please save my sister...." He made tea and brewed it in. He then walked over and sat by the bed.

"Nariko, it's time for tea. Takashi, Soren and I will join you, alright? Please have some." She stirred in her sleep. He gently touched her shoulder.

"Nariko, come on. Don't be lazy or you'll get fat." Something was muttered from the face beneath the pillow. It sounded like this.

"I ban't bet bat, tupid Jaisube." (I can't get fat, stupid Daisuke." He chuckled.

"Stupid? That's not very nice. Come and join us for tea, little sister."


"So stubborn. At least sit up so we can see you?"

"...... Bine." She lifted up in an odd manner, using her back instead of her arms like most would. She leaned against the wall with a frown before coughing. He put the handkerchief to her mouth and then the tea. She drank it. She then fell back into the bed, Daisuke catching her.

"The fever went down." He looked over to where myself and Takashi were sitting.

"It was her spell.... Send for me when she awakens, please. I will only take a moment to clean." I said, standing to clean the supplies. He took the tea tray and left the room. Takashi looked at me for a moment with an emotion I couldn't read before going into another room to rest. I grabbed the book from near the bed and turned to leave. Something warm held my wrist.

"You.....found the book....." She mumbled.

"Don't talk. You will further hurt your throat."

"Heheh. Thanks...." She smiled as I sat down.

"Could the window so I can see the stars?" I did as she asked. We looked at the stars for awhile before she fell asleep again. I brushed a strand of hair from her eyes before frowning to myself. I am a fool.

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