Chapter 7: New Face

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I walked passed the building that has the observatory-like look to get to work, wondering why I kept walking this way instead. The other way'a faster and more scenic, but something just drew me over here. I'm having a hard time figuring out what.

But at least I wasn't fired. Isao told his father, the mayor on me (what is he, five?) and instead of firing he laughed and promoted me. How odd.

I opened the door to the town hall and saw that for once, Isao was here before me. He looked almost angry about something, pushing papers into the filing cabinets hastily.

"Good morning, Isao-san." I said, reaching for my check in card. He took it and shook his head slightly. I looked at him, confused.

"You work mostly to help here, right? We have nothing to do, but I have to be here to answer resident questions, so there isn't much to do, let alone help with. You'll still get your paycheck though." He explained. I nodded and left soon after.

But my feet were taking me somewhere I thought I could help, even though it's the only place I haven't helped here yet. I walked up the observatory-type-place's path.


How.... odd. I can't read her memories, I can't see who she loves, or if she loves anyone. I can't hear her heart's intentions. Only one person I knew who did something similar was dead, and even then I could see fragments of memories, read the heart. I growled in frustration before taking a sip of coffee and looking back to the glass orb. I almost dropped the cup when I realized she was heading up the path to where I currently was, my shop and home.


I read the sign to myself quietly.

Soren's Shop

Hours: Whenever.

Magic and oracle readings.

Huh. I opened the door and marveled at what I saw.

There was a flight of dark wooden steps without a railing that led to a circular platform. On the platform was a large telescope on the left, and towards the right there was multiple bookshelves, all of them packed to the brim with books of all kinds. There were paper posters all around the room, all of them educationally explaining something. Underneath the platform was a large stone wall to hold it up, and in the wall was a wooden door, which I guessed was a bedroom. Near the wall was a desk covered in papers, books, pens, and an inkwell. Beside that was a large cabinet, matching the one on the other side of the room. In the middle of the cabinets was a table and some shelves above it, holding a cauldron, a spoon, some household dishes, and basic kitchen essentials, including a small microwave oven, frying pan, etc. In the middle of the room was a small table and chair. There sat a person behind a book and said table.

A man my age looked up from his book. He had light purple hair and eyes, and looked like the very calm type. His face was expressionless as he looked at me, but his eyes were cloudy with deep thought. We were both silent for a while.

"...... Can I help you?" He asked. His voice was as calm as he seemed.

"Actually, I was going to ask the same thing. I work for the town hall, and we don't have much to do currently so I wanted to see if I could help. I'm Nariko Sawamura." I said, trying to be casual. He was silent for a moment.

"..... Daisuke's little sister. I don't have much you can do but study here." He replied, reading the book again. Good enough for me.

"Thank you." I said, walking up the stairs. I turned around from the bookshelf I sat at for a moment.

"What's your name?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.


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