Chapter 8: Confusion Unknown

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I was barely aware she was there for most of the time, the only evidence to her existence the quiet breathing and page turns. After awhile, around noon, she came down the stairs and went to the kitchen area. She pulled down a pot and spoon, then looked in the two cabinets for what I guessed was ingredients. Finding what she needed, she got to work, slicing, boiling and stirring. After another amount of time of this, she set a bowl with a spoon in front of me. Miso soup, and it smelled amazing, she smiled at me, and when I turned back around to say thanks, she was gone, the house as if she'd never even came. Except the soup.

I drank the soup down, and, true to its amazing smell, was satisfied after. All I knew about her was that she was Daisuke's little sister, her name was Nariko, and she's a good cook and seems to like reading. I couldn't stop the questions that flowed into my mind, even after midnight, I sat awake, asking myself questions.


Hey guys!!! Alice here! Okay, a new POV, and a new character. I've gotten questions so far like "Who's the mysterious guy?" And "Is he a stalker?" As for the answers, you shall see. I'm excited for this book! *does happy dance* Okay. Enjoy!!!!

~Alice Invidie

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