06. Realization

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Katherine Howard POV

It's been two weeks since I woke up in 2020. I smile as I wake up, content with how things are going. The queens are all really nice. I'm safe here. I don't have to be scared. Every morning I tell myself these things, and after sitting in bed for a while I head downstairs for breakfast. As I walk down the stairs I notice something strange. It's quiet... where is everyone? I reach the last step and walk into the kitchen. Before I realize what's going on I hear someone shout 'Boo!!'. Without thinking I scream and fall to my knees.

"Shoot... Kitty, I'm sorry! I wasn't going to scare you. I thought you were Parr," Anne says quietly sitting down next to me. I take deep breaths as I try to calm down. It was just a prank... Anne pulls them on everyone. I can't stop myself from biting my lip and shaking slightly. It's okay... I'm safe... she didn't mean to scare you. I hear someone else come in the room and can't keep from flinching as I hear Jane say,

"Anne Boleyn, what did you do?" Jane comes over next to me and pulls me closer to her. I relax a bit and lean into her hug. "Next time you want to prank someone, please make sure everyone else is aware of it," Jane says looking at Anne.

"Okay. I'm really sorry Kitty," She says sadly

"It's... it's okay..." I say quietly, starting to breathe better, "I just... wasn't expecting it..." I stand up and give Anne a hug. After we separate I see her smiling slightly. I smile a bit as well and go into the kitchen to make breakfast. I see Jane watching me and turn to look at her. "I'm okay... really," I say to comfort her. She sighs and nods, starting to make breakfast for everyone. While I'm eating I hear Anne yell 'Boo!', however instead of hearing someone scream I just hear Anne running towards the kitchen.

"Update on pranking people: I may or may not have scared Catherine..."

"ANNE BOLEYN" I hear Catherine yelling from the other room. I stifle a laugh as Anne runs into the living room. A second after Anne leaves Catherine walks in looking very angry. "Have you two seen Anne?" She asks. Jane thinks for a second and calmly says,

"Yes... but how about you have some breakfast?" Catherine glares at Jane and sighs as she sits down at the table. I'm still smiling as I finish my breakfast and ask Jane,

"What are we doing today?"

"I was thinking maybe just watch a bunch of movies..." Jane replies

"As long as I don't have to sit next to Anne," Catherine says

"I second that motion!" Anne yells from the other room. Catherine gets up and starts walking towards her. Jane shakes her head and sighs as she sits down to eat. I look at the table as I hear shouting from the other room.

"You can't just scare people for no reason!! Actually you can't just scare people at all!" Catherine yells

"Well I did," Anne says back smugly and she runs over to the table. She quickly sits down and hides behind me.

"Are you using me as a shield?" I ask as I glance at her crouching behind my back.

"Absolutely not, I would never!" Anne replies with a smile and I just shake my head. After everyone's had breakfast we all go to the family room to start a movie. It's a romance and I settle next to Anne to watch. When the movie's over Anna says,

"He was so hot! The main actor!" Jane shrugs while laughing. "You don't think he's hot?" Anna asks

"I mean, he is kind of good looking. Just not really my type," Jane says. I nod, agreeing with her comment. Anna shakes her head and sighs. We all have lunch and decide to watch another romance movie. "This guy is kind of handsome though," Jane says watching the tv. Anna smiles and nods. I look at him and discover I don't find him attractive either. I don't get what they're talking about... He's not good looking, I mean... I suppose he isn't ugly, but the girl is much prettier. I blush as I realize what I'm thinking and shake my head. He's just not your type either Kitty. I look back at the screen but without thinking start watching the girls in the scenes. In one of the scenes, a girl starts undressing and I can't stop myself from blushing and watching her. We finish the movie after supper and the other queens start talking about how attractive they found each guy.

"What do you think Kitty? You haven't said anything about any of the guys" Anna asks me curiously.

"Oh... um... I thought they were all kind of attractive," I quickly lie. Anna smiles and is about to ask me more when Jane announces we should go to bed.

"But I don't want to!!" Anne whines. Jane just sighs and looks at her. Anne sighs as well and heads up the stairs. I follow her and quickly get ready for bed. However, I can't fall asleep... Why didn't I like any of the guys? All the girls thought they were attractive... All the girls... Why did I blush while that girl was undressing? I grab my phone and look up 'don't find boys attractive'. Google quickly shows me millions of results, with all the top ones saying 'lesbian'. What's lesbian? I ask myself as I tap on the first link. A girl who likes other girls. Could that be it? Do I like other girls? Then I find another result reading 'asexual' and 'aromantic'. Not being attracted to anyone... maybe that's it? I don't know, there are too many options! Finally, after reading for a while I come across an article talking about being 'queer'. Not being sure how you identify. I smile as I read more about it. I think that's it... not sure how I identify... I turn off my phone and try to fall asleep, not expecting any bad dreams throughout the night.

Unfortunately, I wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat. I frown as I think back to my dream. The other queens won't accept me! I can't tell them I'm queer. I feel tears starting to build up in my eyes and try to stifle a sob. It literally goes against Catherine's religion. The others would never accept it! I start crying as I realize I'll be left alone, again. I hear the door open and see Jane walk in.

"Kitty? Are you okay?" She asks looking worried.

"Just a bad dream," I reply looking down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks coming to sit on my bed. Might as well get this over with...

"Jane, I think I'm queer... no... I know I'm queer," I say, not daring to look at her reaction.

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