"You don't owe me anything but may I ask for your name?"

"It's Andrea." I replied while looking straight ahead. I could feel his observant gaze on the side of my face.

We came to a stop in front of a pedestrian crossing waiting with a few others for the light to turn green.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Andrea, I hope you don't mind my company, it seems we are headed in the same direction."

We start walking again. I glance at him. His gaze is focused ahead this time.

"I don't mind it, after all you did buy me coffee." For the first time in a long time, I actually felt comfortable and at ease in someone's presence albeit he was a total stranger who I had just met minutes ago.

"What can I say, it's how I was raised." He cheekily smiled.

"Well thank you again. I guess this is where we part ways now. It was nice meeting you...?" We had come to a stop and I needed to turn but I still didn't know his name.

"It's William. I hope we bump into each other again Miss Andrea." He replied as we bid farewell to each other.

We probably wouldn't ever see each other again, this city is massive with about four million or more people residing in it so the chances were pretty low. Acknowledging this fact, I turned and walked off to work.

I really resented my job with a passion but the pay was decent and I constantly reminded myself that I was lucky to have it. I worked as a PA for a moody son of a CEO of a big company, Kyle Jones.

Kyle was a fresh out of university graduate and was a spoilt brat who always got what he wanted, his father gave him a job last year in the company in the hope that he would learn the ropes of the corporate business world. So far in my unneeded opinion, little progress has been made.

Just as I take a seat at my desk, Kyle comes in looking like a messy slob. I am glad I got to work before him other wise I would never hear the end of it.

"Matilda, I need you to pick up my dry cleaning later but first can you be a dear and go through this report for me and please make sure no one disturbs me for the next couple of hours."

He dumped a file on my desk strutted into his office slamming the door behind him. He couldn't even get my name right but I was used to it.

I let out a sigh and began reading the report. This was actually his job to do. I could hear laugher from the other side of his glass door, looking up I saw him on the phone with his feet on the desk. Unfortunately we accidentally made eye contact and he got up quickly to shut the blinds, blocking out the view into his office completely.

I spent the rest of my day running his stupid little errands and organising his schedule and just as I was about to leave he stopped me.

"Bridget, I need you to stay behind and organise and file these documents for me, also confirm my attendance and ensure my name is listed on the guest list for the Lemora Charity Event tomorrow night."

I was already beyond exhausted but stayed behind and did as I was told. The building was already quiet as most of the employees had gone home.

Struggling to keep my sore eyes open, I become trapped in my thoughts. Probably the place I am most afraid of.

It started again, the feeling. I felt like I was drowning or being slowly crushed by an unknown weight. I wanted so desperately to be saved by someone but I was terrified.

By the time I had finished my work, I felt weak, numb... Empty.

It was late, I checked the time.


Getting up I felt myself waver slightly on my feet, my vision blurred. I don't know if it was because of exhaustion or for the fact that I hadn't eaten all day. Probably both.

I steadied myself and headed out. The busy streets were quietening down around these parts. I would have called a taxi but I remembered that I did not have my purse with me so I had no money.

I could barely walk straight but somehow managed to get about halfway to my apartment before I had to stop and just about collapse on a bench.

I closed my eyes for a minute trying to regain composure when the sky chose that moment to open up and release its down pour. Within seconds I was soaked to the bone but for some reason I was not bothered by it.

The few people moving about in the street around me all rushed about to find shelter from the rain. I didn't.

I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes. For the first time in a while, I silently let my tears fall, anyone passing by wouldn't notice because of the rain drops hitting my face being the perfect mask to hide all of my pain.

They say that silent tears hold the loudest pain and they couldn't be more true.

I cried silently for a while before I stopped and could no long feel. I felt numb again and it was so heavy, it was suffocating.

I don't know how long I sat there on the bench in the cold rain which did not seem like it would lessen up anytime. I know I should move, but I couldn't.

"Miss Andrea?"

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