Chapter XIV.

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| Upside Down Cake, III |

Saleemah Jenai Green

"So, what did you have to say, Saleemah?" Ny'Asia asked before sitting her bottle of water down on the coffee table, and looking back up at me. "Lemme jus' say it, Snoop might be in there longer than we think.....six years, in fact.... and um, that baby Dom is caring is um, ... Snoop's child." I mumbled. Ny'Asia looked at me in disbelief. The room was filled with silence, it was so quiet that it was deadly. Her eyes filled with tears, as her chest grew heavy. Before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around Ny'Asia as she cried. She sniffled, and wiped her nose with a tissue as the tears that came from her now puffy eyes, stained her cheeks. Ny'Asia snatched her book bag off of the floor, before storming out of the house. I plopped down on the couch, releasing a loud sigh as I grabbed the blunt out of the ash tray, lighting it, and taking a long drag from it. I blew the smoke out of my nose, before taking another puff from the kush-filled blunt. I titled my head back and stared at the ceiling, thinking about all the chaos that's going on and hell everyone is going through because of my brother. I exhaled loudly, also releasing smoke from my mouth at the same time.

Ny'Asia Sumia Moore

There I was, walking down the street, pissed off as I adjusted my bookbag on my shoulders. I stormed in the house, ran straight upstairs to my room, dropping my bookbag by the door before I started weeping while I laid across the bed. After about twenty minutes, I got myself together and laid in my bed, relaxing. I picked up my Xbox controller, and began playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 online. I stared at the screen hard, trying not to get killed. I was only focused on the game, and that was it. I was so focused, that I completely had forgotten about dinner. My mother had brought home some pizza when she got off of work, but my focus was on the game. It was the best way to get my mind off of the situation with Snoop. Before I knew it, it was three o'clock in the morning and I was still up playing Black Ops. My blanket was draped over me, pillows were all around me, and a half-empty bottle of water sat on my night stand. My heart beat sped up each time I killed one of my opponets, I was unstoppable. Then, right when I was about to win, I got killed. I shook my head, and threw my controller across the room before turning off my Xbox and going to sleep.

12 o'clock rolled around fast, and right when it did, I grabbed my bookbag and ran straight to the El, ready to head home. Then, I remembered that I left my iPad in my locker, and that if I was going to get this project completed for my physics class, then I was going to need it. I walked back to the school, walking through the now abandoned halls of West Catholic. I went to my locker, grabbed my iPad and walked outside into the courtyard where I saw my best-guy friend, Steven. Steven was like that older brother, that's only older than you by like, a few months, yet he still treats you as if you're his five year old little sister. Most people thought we were blood based on how close we were, and alot of people didn't believe that I had just met him when we started our freshman year at West. He was hanging with his right hand, Raheem, but for some odd-reason, everyone called him Snake. As far as I knew, from what Steven had told me, him and Raheem had been friends since they were in diapers and nothing ever tore them apart. I sat on the bench in the courtyard, on my phone when they approached me. I hugged Steven, and waved hello to Raheem before starting a conversation. "Hey lul' sis. Whatchu' still doing here?" Steven asked me curiously. "I just came back to get my iPad, but then I figured, "Hey, we had half-a-day of school, and I ain't got a damn thing to do", here I am. Why y'all still here?" I said before turning my attention over to Raheem. "Basketball practice at 2, and it made no sense to go home then come all the way back because that would take up all our time." Raheem said. "Oh, a'ight." I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and then went on Instagram. "Ayo, Steven, walk me to the store real quick." I heard Nafeez and Kaliq yell out to him. Before I knew it, I was left alone in the courtyard with Raheem. "Ny'Asia, why you be playin' me like that bae?" He asked as he sat next to me. I scooted away from him while looking at him as if he had lost his damn mind. "Don't call me that." I simply responded before returning back to playing on my phone. "Ny'Asia, why you always actin' so stuck up wit' me? You don't give me the time of day, you 'ont be tryna sit next to me in music class..wassup wit' that? Gimmie a chance, ma'." I looked up at him, looking him directly in his eyes. "Give you a chance? Boy, please. You're just like the rest of them niggas at West, and don't try to say you aren't because you are and you know that." He chuckled and shook his head. "Ma', I promise you I'm not. I swear. Atleast lemme get yo' number." I crossed my arms, looking at him, before handing him my phone. He put his number in, then I put my number in his.

I got home around 3, and heated up a slice of pizza from the night before. My phone buzzed, so I grabbed it and see a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hey

I replied; Who's this?

Unknown Number: Raheem.

I replied; Ohhh, I didn't have your number saved. Oops

I then changed his name in my phone from some random phone number, to "RaRaGetBuckets". "RaRa" was just me, simply shorting his name Raheem. Plus, the "Get Buckets" part was because he played basketball at West, and was really good at it, too.

RaRaGetBuckets; Damn, that's cold shawd. I see how u do me.

I replied; Oopsie

RaRaGetBuckets; Wyd tho bae

I replied; #1 You forgot a question mark. #2 Don't call me that shit!

RaRaGetBuckets; Why

I replied; I'm not ya bae. Point blank, period.

He then replied to me with a sad face, so I instantly sent back a cheesy, smiley face. Raheem was starting to irk me with this "bae" shit. A few minutes later I got a text back from him.

RaRaGetBuckets; Why u so mean?

I replied; I'm not meaaaaaaaaaan, why does everybody say that I am?

RaRaGetBuckets; Because u just snapped cuz I called you BAE

It's true, I guess. I did "snap" on him for no reason just now. It's not my fault, tho, I swear. My trust has just been so fucked up, I don't trust anybody, especially niggas that call me BAE when they have no reason to be calling me that. Regardless, it's his fault because she shouldn't have called me that.

I replied; Because I'm not ya bae & I didn't snap!

RaRaGetBuckets; Can u be that one day tho ? and you did...

I replied with the straight, yet annoyed face emoji to show that I was slowly becoming more and more irritated.

RaRaGetBuckets; I'm asking you ? And stop acting weird yo !

I replied; I'm not weird dickhead, & no

RaRaGetBuckets; You acting weird I never said u was and why ?

I stared at the text message before putting my phone on "Do Not Disturb". I don't know it is about me, it's seems like lately I can't control my emotions. I just need to rest and get my mental together for the rest of this Thanksgiving break before I go mad. The heater blasted heat, as I cuddled under my comforter and drifting off to sleep before my dad came to take me over his house to spend the break with him and my step-mother's house.

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