Chapter V.

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| Kush and Cake |

Ny'Asia Sumia Moore.

I sat there on a park bench at a picnic table, with Kiera, Grey, Dame, and K-O.

We passed a couple of blunts around the table, taking a few puffs and then passing. Almost smiliar to the song playing, "Five blunts in rotation, five blunts." Kiera blasted trap music off of her phone, as we smoked and had a group conversation that wasn't particularly my favorite topic, Religion. We went back and fourth arguing about Christianity and Islam. Grey and I argued with Dame about the Quran vs. the Bible, and the similarities between Islam and Christianity. Grey then asked me how old I was. I giggled and told him to guess my age. For the next ten minutes, Grey and Dame tried guessing my age. They guessed that I was anywhere from seventeen years old to just turing twenty-one. I laughed and told them that I was fifteen, about to turn sixteen in six days. They looked at me in shock and still refused to believe how old I was. Right in that moment, Grey asked me what did I want him to buy me for my birthday. I responed by telling him, "Nothing." because my "friend" was getting me exactly what I wanted for my birthday. In the same moment that I said that, I thought back to the day when Snoop was in my living room discussing my birthday and school dance with me:

I sat in my room with my cousin, Chanell picking out what to wear for the day, considering that she spent the night at my house. My mom had left to go to the store about five minutes before we went upstairs. Just then, she came in the house yelling for me to come downstairs because she had something for me. Taking a wild guess, I assumed it was a pack of Skittles, considering that she knows that they're my favorite candy. I ran down the steps in my black, ripped, "LA" Forever 21 sweater, and a pair of black leggings to see Snoop standing in the middle of the living room wearing a pair of jeans, a Polo jacket and black Nike Air Force 1's. I shrieked and ran to Snoop immediately. A giant Kool-Aid smile plastered across my face as we hugged. He stayed for about fourty-five minutes, and we talked about my birthday. I smiled when he said that he would buy me a Juicy Couture necklace and bracelet. We also talked about things that occured on the block, and finally, the Spring Fling. We agreed that we would wear "cocaine white", as he said. I giggled, and slightly blushed when he wrapped his arm around my waist, while the four of us were in the living room talking before he left to go back to trappin'.

Just when it started getting interesting, K-O and Dame had to go back to school and sneak in before their next classes. The only ones left were Grey, Kiera, and myself. The three of us walked over to the playground, and goofed off on the jungle gym. About an hour later, Kiera and I returned back at her house, only to crave our hunger by making a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. We talked for hours and smoked a little more until my mother and brother came to pick me up and take me back home. The entire ride home, I sat in the car, giving short answers to the questions the asked me trying to hide the fact that I was high as a kite.

Before I knew it, April 26th was here. It was official, I had a couple of hours until I turned sixteen, and that slightly excited me. I put on a pair of light blue jeans, a floral, short sleeve crop top, with a pair of sandals that had a clear bow on them, a long, gold chain that had a cross on it and a little bit of MAC lip gloss to top it all off. I waited on my mother to get ready so we could pick up my cousin and friends to go to the carnival. About ten minutes later my mom came downstairs, and we left out the door. I walked out the door to see nearly everybody & their momma outside barbecuing and partying, then it dawned on me. Today was the day that Snoop and the squad were having a barbecue in remembrance of our friend, Nafiz who got shot by a police officer last year when he was coming out the barber shop.

I waved over at everyone, and then spotted Snoop wearing a Burberry shirt, black True Religion jeans, and black Nike Air Force's. I smiled and waved at him, as I walked around the corner to the store and stopped to talk to my godmom, when I seen Snoop and one of his friends walk by. He hugged me, and asked me where I was going. I told him that I was going to the carnival, when he got a little upset. He asked me why I didn't invite him, and I simply shrugged my shoulders, apologizing, and asking him if he wanted to go. He simply said "I wish I could, but I have to get back to the barbecue to help on the grill." I nodded, understanding what the situation, then got in the car.

We picked up my cousin and a few friends, then headed to the carnival. By the end of the night, everyone had fun and we all loved it. After dropping everyone off and I returned home with my mother, I walked to the Chinese store around the corner and ordered a small container of vegetable lo mein with a shrimp roll. I then walked home, ate my food, and fell asleep, preparing for the next day, my birthday.

My birthday celebration was small, but great. I went to Dave and Busters for games, then out to dinner at Bonefish Grill. After my birthday school started to become a total blur. I would finish my work, and then day dream about how the Spring Fling would go with Snoop. The only thing on my mind was, Snoop. He's the only thing I concentrated on.

One warm day in the middle of May, I was sitting on the porch, studying for my history final when I saw Snoop walking up the street with the neighborhood hoe, Mercedes. They were laughing, smiling and he had his arm around her. I squinted at them in jealously and anger, then stormed in the house, slamming the door behind me. My mother asked me why I was so upset, and finally after a long twenty minutes, I told her. She then shook her head, and tried to comfort me.

Around six-thirty, she left to get a pack of cigarettes from the corner store before the closed for the night. She was gone for about half an hour, I sat there wondering what the hell was taking her so long. Then, she returned with the number one person I didn't want to see ever again; Snoop.

I eyed him as I sat on the arm of the couch, trying to ignore him. He apologized to me, and told me nothing was going on between them. I nodded, accepting his apology as I looked into his brown eyes. Every time I looked at him, I practically melted. Maybe, I over exaggerated, I thought to myself.

I stood next to him as he talked to my mom. I wrapped my arms around him, smiling, when all of a sudden he wrapped his arm around my waist and I felt his hand touch my ass. I blushed, feeling his hand on my behind. His hand got slightly lower, and before I knew it, I was blushing like crazy. I looked up at him, smiling and told him "You smell goooood." in a delusional voice. Snoop looked at me, and asked me what he smelled like. I simply shrugged and kept blushing while trying to gather some words and inhaling his scent. He smelled like Burberry cologne and weed, but not trifling ass Reggie. I exhaled silently to myself, smiling and finally calming down. I fell asleep in the same Forever 21 sweater that smelled just like Snoop. That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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