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It's just your average day in Lumiose City. Jessica, your best friend, decides to take you to Boutique Couture as a treat for beating the Elite Four the previous week.

"I still can't believe you did it!" the brunette's ponytail bounces as both of you walk.

"I can't believe it either, but hey." You shrug in response.

"Just wait until the crew find out, they'll be so stoked!"

"Wait, they don't know yet?"

"They were out camping near a mountain when your success was broadcast on the news. Luckily, they're here today." Jess has a point.

After a few minutes, you finally reach the doors of the before mentioned store. Jess stands staring through the glass in awe while you just roll your eyes. Honestly, she seems more excited about your present than you are.

"Well don't just stand there peeking through. Get in!" You yell, spartan kicking your best friend into the store. All of the store workers gasp for a second, before bursting into laughter.

Jumping up from embarrassment, you both brush ourselves down and look around. Gorgeous bags and shoes line one wall while shirts and dresses of every colour line a clothes rack on another wall.

Jessica shoves clothes onto you, and makes you try them on. Once satisfied with how much she's chosen out for you, the tall brunette runs over to the counter to pay for it all.

By the end of the shopping spree, you are carrying 3 bags of clothes and 2 more just for accessories. It is exhausting.

"Ugh, I didn't realise how heavy all this stuff would be..." you grumble.

"Why don't you just get one of your Pokémon to carry it for you? I'm sure you have a big one in your team." Jess just looks at you funny.

"We both know that I don't make them do anything like that. Everything is optional for them outside of battle. They're friends, not servants" you reply, pulling the bags higher and adjusting your grip.

The brunette leans over and tugs on one strand of your (H/C) hair. "Hmm, I think you should change this up a bit. You know, as a sign of accomplishment?"

You are considering her words when Jess' phone rings with a catchy flute tune; so she answers it and an all too familiar voice flows through.

"Hey, where are you guys? I thought we were meeting at Café Bataille?" Eric yells out through the phone. "Peter and Henry are here already!"

"Okay! Okay! We're on our way!" Jess screeches at him and hangs up. "Gosh, boys are so impatient!"

It's funny how she acts, you think. Jess can be so dramatic and a tad bit spoilt, but she is truly such a nice person. Out of all the girls you know, she's the number one person to talk to.

"We better hurry or they'll dash off camping again!" You laugh and the both of you take a taxi to the cafe.

~ At The Cafe ~

"Jesus Christ, are these girls in Unova or somethin'? Takin' them a year to get 'ere" Peter rubs the back of his head as he looks at the menu. "I think I'd eat everythin' in this place before they even arrive!"

"Please be a bit more quiet, I'm reading a book and people are here. Besides, Eric already called them and they said that they're on their way." Henry adjusts his glasses and puts down his copy of "Science Behind Stats".

"Yeah, the girls will show up. I know Jessica can get distracted easily but we know (Y/N) gets shit done." Eric leans on the table with his elbows.

As soon as they all stop talking, you and Jessica walk into the cafe, causing the three boys to jump as you both move towards their table.

"I heard that you were talking shit and you didn't think that I would hear it~" Jess' voice cuts through in sing song, throwing her purple bag at Eric.

"Where were you's? Fightin' the Elite Four or just decided to take your time?" Peter frowns, his brown eyes narrowing at the brand new bag you bought at the boutique.

"Actually, 1: We did take our time there. I bought (Y/N) some stuff, and sent it back to the hotel."

"Why the big shopping spree?" Eric questions.

"That's 2: (Y/N) beat the Elite Four." she says cheerfully.

All three boys get out of their seats, yelling in amazement.

"No way man! That's wicked stuff right there!" Peter yells as Henry's green eyes widen in amazement and he blushes a bit.

"Just like we all agreed, Jess took me, the winner, on a shopping spree." you cross your arms and huff.

"I know! We should see who can get the pokemon with the coolest ability! We'll bring it back in a week from now and compare." Everyone sits besides Eric, who is still thinking about the competition.

"What's the prize?" You ask, looking at him blankly with your (E/C) eyes.

"The winner gets... THIS MASTER BALL!" Eric exclaims as he pulls out the purple pokeball from his backpack. Everyone gasps and leans over it in amazement.

"I've heard you can catch anythin' with this one" Peter's brown eyes sparkle.

"You can. It's in a book I've read. You can even catch Pokémon of legend in these things with a 0% chance of them breaking free" Henry whispers, still in a trance.

"Deal!" you and Jess say, pumping your fists into the air.

"Okay everyone, competition begins.... NOW!" Eric laughs as he runs out the door, followed by Peter thundering towards him and Jess squealing after them.

It was just you and Henry.

"Congrats on your accomplishment.." he shyly says, trying to avoid direct eye contact.

Henry is the shortest out of everyone in the group, but also the smartest. His blond hair is short and spiky, while his gorgeous green eyes could catch the attention of anyone nearby, even while wearing his glasses. You're childhood friends and have known each other since Kindergarten.

Peter is the bomb of the group. Though aggressive at times, he's been through a lot of emotional damage and understands a lot of what some people go through. Pete's the tallest and has curly red hair and brown eyes. He's the youngest of three siblings and always reminds you that he's there if you need any help.

Eric and Jessica are twins. Both of them have perfect brunette hair, but Jessica has baby blue eyes while her brother has near gray ones. Both of them moved into your home town the same year you were leaving home, and they tagged along. Eric is the ring leader of this circus, but Jessica makes sure she has a good leash on him.

Henry packs up his books and leaves with a " I wish you good luck".

You have no idea what these guys are going to get, but you decide you'll try for a win streak.

Without even ordering a drink to relax, you dash out of the door and make your way to Pokémon Village...

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