Family Time

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I immediately ran over to my parents, hugging them so tightly that I never wanted to let go.
But what I didn't notice is that their gaze was fixated on the tall, muscular Brahms stood immobile beside me, clenching my hand for dear life.

Interrupting the silence, I say,
"Mom, dad, this is my..."
I wasn't sure what Brahms was to me. Acquaintance, partner in crime, my keeper, or.. boyfriend?
I needed to be honest with myself.
"... boyfriend".
After finishing that sentence, Brahms shoots me that charming boyish smile, slowly wrapping his large veiny hand around my broad shoulders.
"His name is Brahms. Brahms, this is my mother (m/n) and this is my father (d/n)"

I'm not sure whether my parents were happy, angry, confused. I couldn't read their emotions, until they finally spoke.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you Brahms" mother smiled, placing out a hand towards him to give him a handshake of sorts.
I took his firm hand out of my grip and placed it toward my mothers hand. He seem to have got the idea and began to slowly shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you too" he mumbled. You could tell he was shy. But you wanted him to be strong, for you. Thoughts circled in my mind, as there are so many things I should tell my parents about him. He's murdered, lived behind closed walls for 20 years, and kept me prisoner in this wealthy estate. But if I tell them, I know they won't accept him like I do.

My father looked at me with a blank expression. It looked as if he seemed disappointed with my choice of a "man", but I knew that he was no match for Brahms.

"This way, to the dining room" I blurted.

I led them to the dining room, with Brahms trailing behind like a child, longing for attention.
We finally reached the dining room, as I gestured for them to sit. Myself and Brahms at each head of the table, seeing as though he was the rightful owner of this estate, and my parents sitting opposite each other.
Brahms kindly pulled out a chair for both guests, but my father was having non of it.
"I know how to pull out a chair!" He yelled, pushing Brahms a few feet away.
This could escalate into something much worse, so I needed to put this to an end.

"Dad. He's trying to be polite. Stop behaving like a child." I said firmly.
My father didn't say another word.

Brahms poured myself and the guests some red wine, and followed me into the kitchen.
I quietly shut the door, as I needed to consult with Brahms. He paced back and forth, nervous and anxious.
"I don't think your father likes me" he mumbled.
"He was like this with Cole. He gets nervous and wants the best for me. He doesn't want to lose me I guess". I say lamely.
"What if I get angry and... do something I'll regret? He questions.
"You won't. You need to remain calm. You have to trust me Brahms. I pleaded.
Brahms throws a wine class at the painted wall. Shards of it fly all around the room. I can't believe he is behaving like this.
"Pull yourself together Brahms! Stop behaving like this will you! Your going to make a worse impression of yourself if you continue to act like a child!"
He mumbles something before grabbing the turkey and following me back into the dining room. He said "I...... you". I hate you? I despise you? I love you?

Grabbing two plates, Brahms begins to slice the turkey into portions, dumping it onto them, whilst I serve up the potatoes, veg and gravy.
Brahms' blazer to his suit is now removed and hung on the back of his chair. With each slice he cuts, his veins along his arms become more exposed. You can't help but stare. You feel something in your stomach that you have never felt before. This is a man who will fight for you, protect you and even kill for you. His black tousled curls bounce upon his forehead, with his eyes concentrated on the turkey.
He gives you a quick gaze, forcing you to look away in embarrassment.
He grins to himself before handing the plates to the guests.
"Eat up before it gets cold" I exclaimed.

Myself, Brahms and my parents ate for what seemed like hours. Laughing, chattering and enduring each other's presence.
My father even apologised to Brahms for what happened earlier. Everything seemed to be going well, until Brahms rose from his seat.

"I hope, you have enjoyed the food and company everybody, but there's something I need to say." He started.
"When I first met Greta, I was scared. Scared that she would fear me. Run. And never stop. Over the past months, she has taught me a life that I thought I would never get to experience. She's showed me what it is to give and not take. To share. And to love." He said.
The entire time he was speaking, his eyes were fixed with mine.
"She's the most wonderful, loving and kind woman I have met. I hope that as parents, you can welcome me into your family, seeing as my parents abandoned me for good, and that you accept me and believe I am good enough for your daughter. I love you Greta" he finished.
That's my Brahms. My parents began to clap and thank him for coming into my life, and began to explain that I needed someone like him. To make me believe that I'm good enough for any man.

Myself and Brahms carried the dirty plates and cutlery into the kitchen to be washed. He washed and I dried. His presence was silent until I asked him,
"Did you mean that, back there" I asked, awaiting a response.
"Every damn word" he reassured.
I placed a gentle kiss upon his black tousled curls, until he turned his head around to me and kissed me on my lips. It seemed to last forever, until he finally allowed me to catch my breath.
After we had finished up, Brahms kindly showed my parents to their rooms where they would be staying for the night. Whilst he was doing that, I took the trash bags outside and threw them into the bin.

It was snowing now, and my footprints left marks on the ground. Walcing back inside the house, I saw another trail of footprints, slightly larger than mine. Brahms? He's inside and doesn't even know I'm out here. Who's could they be? This place is practically in the middle of nowhere.

That's when I see a car, which seems to be broken down in the woods in the distance. I begin to slowly walk towards it, when a force pins me up against the house walls. Adrenaline runs through my veins. My instincts tell me to shout for Brahms, but my mouth is covered with this strangers hand, catching my muffled screams and pleads for help.

"Where is my son"? The stranger questioned.
That's when I realised that the stranger is Cole's father.

To be continued....

~Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with school. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Stay safe and happy reading!~

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