Taking Care

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Brahms stared longingly into my eyes, wondering how he should respond. He didn't really understand how to love or show affection. All he knew was violence. It seems that he was far too endulged over the years, which meant that he wasn't punished for his bad behaviour. Now he knew he had to behave like a mature adult.
"No." He murmured, but it didn't sound very convincing.
"I get lonely. I just want some company. He continued.
Without another word, he barged passed me and made himself comfortable in my double bed. After a while, his bony hand reached out from under the duvet, and tapped on the mattress beside him, suggesting he wanted me to lay next to him. Why is he doing this? I don't want to sleep beside a loonatic that could do anything as he's in control, but of course, I can't disobey him. Maybe he just wants company, but then he might want something more. I hesitantly crawled into the bed, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible, but Brahms has other plans.
Before I could even pull the comforting covers over my body, I felt a long, hairy arm, which snaked over my chest, finally resting just beneath my breasts.
"What are you doing?" I asked, panicking.
"Just keeping you safe. I love you, I need you, but I can't let you go." He replied in awe.
I didn't say a word as I wasn't able to process what Brahms has just come out with. It wasn't as hard to tell his emotions without that ugly mask. This isn't love. It's obsession on a whole other level. He seems so 'needy'. When I'm around, he just can't leave me alone, as if to imply that he doesn't trust me. Yet. Also, he can't let me go. He can't keep me prisoner here against my own will! I manuvered my body to face away from him, and began to let my eyelids droop, eventually falling asleep as I was taken by the darkness.

I finally started to wake up to the blazing sun, shining through the old windows, lighting the whole room. I let out a loud groan, as I began to recall last nights events. I hoped that all of this would just be a bad dream, and for me to wake up and be tucked up, safe in my bed at home. But this was no dream. It was very much real.
After some time of thinking, I came to the realisation that Brahms wasn't beside me. I felt relieved as I didn't have to deal with him for a while. I pulled myself out of the bed and stumbled over to my wardrobe, picked out some clothes and got myself ready for the day ahead. As I paced down the stairs, I thought to myself, what happened to Cole? Is he dead? Or alive? Is his body still in the same position as the night before? As I became more curious, I headed to the room where the old fashioned mirror was shattered, revealing the intimidating Brahms Heelshire. Nothing. Cole's body was gone, which could explain why Brahms was up so early. Maybe he was moving the body? I didn't care, as long as Brahms knew what he was doing.

I could smell a beautiful aroma drifting from the kitchen, and sending itself through my nostrils, sensing that breakfast was being prepared. I forced myself into the kitchen to see a extremely tall figure standing over the stove. It was Brahms, appearing to be cooking us breakfast. That's a first.
I plonked myself onto one of the wooden chairs and waited for Brahms to notice I was there.
Whilst I was waiting, I occasionally heard Brahms humming to himself. He was about to place the plates onto the marble table, when he jumped back, startled by my presence. On the plate was my favourite peanut butter and jelly sandwich, along with a glass of orange juice.
"Thankyou." I said.
He was emotionless, as he had his dirty mask back on his face. We both ate in silence during breakfast, making the current situation even more awkward. He then took the now dirty plate from my hands and began to run it under the hot water, whilst adding some washing up liquid.
As I was about to head back upstairs, I looked at the front door, to see lots of complicated locks attached. Before I could even react, Brahms came into view, preventing my access of looking at the door.
"Where do you think your going?" He chuckled. Without trying to anger him, I made a run for it, trying to reach the library, but before I could, his arms locked themselves around my broad shoulders.
"Please don't hurt me!" I screamed, hoping he would stop his actions in an instant.
My tactics worked, as his arms loosened, just enough, allowing me to run up the stairs and lock myself inside my bedroom.

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