Christmas Day

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Slowly but surely, my eyes began to open, adjusting to the light in the room.
Glancing over at the nearby alarm clock, it reads 6:00am. Brahms is pirched on the edge of the bed beside me, like a lost child waiting for gifts.
"Your finally awake" he declares.
"It's so early Brahms" I moaned.
"It's Christmas Day!" he yelled.
Without allowing me to respond, I was scooped up from under the duvet and carried all the way down to the kitchen, with me kicking and squealing wanting him to put me down.

He rested me on top of the kitchen counter and showed me the turkey along with the trimmings which was already cooked.
"Your family is coming soon, so I thought I would make the food early" he muttered.
Throwing my arms around his neck, I placed a light kiss upon his lips, as a thank-you gesture. What was I thinking? Do I really like this man?

Gazing out of the stain glass window pane, miniature flakes of crystal landed onto the Heelshire mansion, covering every part of it.
'Something tells me that today is going to be interesting...'

I tugged Brahms' arm and lead him into the library where I uncovered some gifts which were neatly wrapped, and placed them into his hands.
"Merry Christmas Brahms" I exclaimed.
"This is the first gift I've had in 20 years" he stuttered.
Silence filled the desolate atmosphere. The thought of Brahms being isolated inside the walls for so long still haunts me.
I created a distraction and turned the lights on for the Christmas tree, trying to change the subject.

Wrapping paper was misplaced all over the carpet as Brahms uncovered a unbelievably formal suit. I was sick and tired of seeing him in those grubby, worn clothes. By wearing this, it should also make a good impression towards my family.

"Go try it on!" I squealed.
He sniggered in response.

As i was tidying the mess Brahms had made, I glance behind me to see a changed man. His hazel curls bounced upon us forehead whilst his sparkling orbs shined in the light. He begins to slowly approach me.
"You look.. amazing" I gasped.

Shortly after, he handed me a coral dress, covered in sparkly beads.
"Now you try this on" he smiled, gazing deeply into my eyes.
I dashed up the stairs and slammed the door in excitement as I desperately whipped off my clothes and threw the dress over my being.
I then began to apply makeup, just having enough time before my family arrived.

Without another word, the doorbell chimes.
"Brahms could you get that, I think my family is here!" I shout.
Downstairs, I hear the joyful cheers and greetings of many familiar voices.
Taking small footsteps, I slowly pace down the stairs, with Brahms eyes fixed with mine. He gave that look when he's captivated or astonished.
After interlocking eyes, I finally see my family after 3 months of being kept prisoner at the Heelshire estate.
"Mom, Dad!" I questioned excitedly.

To be continued...

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