𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

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"Guess I'm a monster now because Jack and I are the same thing" I interrupted, "you can't kill him-"


"He's a kid, just like Gabby was seven years ago" Sam interrupted another potential argument

"Him and Gabby are nothing alike" Dad argued, "and he is the son of satan and Gabby is mine"

"Look, right now all we need is a plan" Sam adds

"Yeah, kill him" Dad answers, "that's the plan, right now all that matters is finding him and ending him before he hurts anyone else and once we do that we'll figure everything else out"

"What about Cas" Sam questioned, "is he really dead"

"You know he is" Dad said coldly

I signed shutting my eyes before they could be filled tears all over again, I won't let them hurt Jack. I promised Cas.


"You really think that Lucifer Jr. at pirate Pete's jolly treats. That he was like before I destroy the world, let me just grab a bag of curly fries" dad says sarcastically

"Look if he would have kept on the main road, he would've walked past it and I don't know-"

"Fine just make it quick" Dad sighs

"You aren't coming" Sam asked

"No" dad says, "look maybe your right, maybe the devils kid is in there just hanging out or maybe he's halfway across the country, torching Chicago. I'm gonna call Jody check in and see if she can't help us put a nationwide apb out on the creepy satanic nudist"

"Good" Sam nodded and looked to me but I lowered my gaze

I could feel the faint feel of power, he was here, not anymore but we're close and I seriously needed to get out of this car

"Gabby" Dad said pulling me from my thoughts, "you alr-"

"I need some air" I interrupted and moved out of the car, to the side of the building.

It wasn't his fault, Jack is innocent. But Cas is dead and so is Crowley. It's not his fault.

I groaned loudly and punch the wall causing just the tiniest sting that instantly healed. I'm sure my eyes were glowing green already but I couldn't bring myself to care at the moment.

I slid against the wall and let the tears run down my face and a small cry leave my lips as I dug my head between my arms.

I got up from the wall wiping the tears off my face and trying as hard as possible be completely okay. I am okay.

I walked back to the car and ignored dad who was clearly watching me and get back into the car.


"Gabby what are you doing" Sam asked as I leaned closer to the unconscious angel, who I felt an undying connect to.

"I'm merely, observing" I shrugged, "no matter what dad says, he is like me"

"Gabby, Dean, he's just hurting and you know he doesn't deal I with the right way-"

"We're all hurting" I snapped, my eyes flashing green, "it's isn't fair, I loved Crowley and Cas, I lost them too, and Mary isn't my mother but I loved her too"

"I know" Sam said wrapping his arm around me, "Dean raised you, he sees you differently not like how he sees Jack"

"I can't be around him, Jack, when I'm around him my powers kick up and I want protect him" I explained, "I'm scared-"

Before another word could get out Jack woke and his eyes flashed their yellow

"It's okay, you're okay. I'm not gonna hurt you" Sam said holding his hands up

"You already hurt me" Jack says

"Hey it's okay Jack he's not going to hurt you" I hesitatingly hold my hand out, "remember"

Jack calmed slightly but his eyes stayed yellow, Jack slowly brought his hand to mine for a second causing green and yellow veins to blossom before I pulled away quickly

"I-I was scared" Jack whispered his eyes going back to their normal color, "and when I get scared things happen, I can't stop them"

"Why were you scared" Sam asked

"Because of the voices" Jack answers, "they were so loud, so angry"

"They're gone now, it's okay Jack" I reassured, Angel radio was difficult to deal with and I had only managed it five years into my life

"I'm sorry" Jack says abruptly, "will you tell them I'm sorry"

"Sure, of course" Sam nods still obviously afraid of Jack, "Jack, Gabby- Gabriella, she's like you, she has special powers"

"That's why you're eyes turn green, why do we have these powers" Jack asked me

"Uh we got them from our parents, our fathers" I explained, "my father is Gabriel, he's an archangel"

"My father I need to find him, he'll protect me" Jack says

"Uh Jack, listen, Thats not really what Lucifer does" Sam explains as gently as possible

"Lucifer, no that's not his name, my father is Castiel" Jack states, "my mother, she said Castiel would keep me safe. She said the world was a dangerous place, that's why I couldn't be a baby or child I had to grow up fast. That's why I choose him tone my father. Where is he"

"He's dead" Sam answers

Jack frowns and looks to me but I layed my head on Sams shoulder hiding my face. I couldn't cry. I have to be strong and I have to keep my promise to Cas.

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