Jungkook giggles. "I love you, Tae." He closes the gap between their lips and lets Taehyung inside his mouth. Their tongues meet and swirl around each other. Jungkook plays with Taehyung's hair as they kiss and Taehyung tilts his head to deepen it.

That's when Jungkook's phone starts ringing.

They break away from eachother and Jungkook picks up his phone, answering the call from Seokjin.

"Hey Jinnie. What's up?"

"Where have you been all day? You're usually so active on insta."

"I've been sleeping all day." Jungkook answers, looking up at Taehyung who smiles down at him.

"You lazy bitch. Come over. I wanna show you my makeup!"

"Ok let me ask Tae." Jungkook takes his phone away from his ear. "Tae can I go to my friend's dorm to hang out?"

"Of coarse. You don't need to ask me for permission anymore. You can do whatever you want." Taehyung kisses Jungkook's forehead.

"Oh I forgot.. sorry." Jungkook looks down, a bit embarrassed.

"It's fine baby. Don't apologize." Taehyung places another kiss on Jungkook, this time on the tip of his nose.

Jungkook giggles and brings his phone back up to his ear. "That's a yes. Do you want me to come over now?"

"Yes but before we end the call, why the fuck is Taehyung being so nice to you and what was that sound? Did he kiss you? Why did he call you baby like that? Are you dating or something????"

Jungkook was panicking. For some reason, he doesn't want people to know that he's dating Taehyung. "No... no we're not. He's just being a dickhead."

"Poor Kookie. Alright then. See you in a bit!" Seokjin hangs up.

"Tae, what do we tell people about our relationship? Everyone thinks we hate each other." Jungkook asks, getting off his bed.

"I dunno. What do you want people to know?"

Jungkook puts on a fresh white t-shirt. "I'm not ready for people to know about us.."

Taehyung is a little disappointed. He wants people to know how much he loves Jungkook. He wants people to know that Jungkook is his. He wants people to see hickeys on Jungkook's angelic skin and instantly figure out that he's the one who gave them to him.

But if this is what Jungkook wants, Taehyung will still do anything to make sure he's happy.

"Sure Kooks."


"I'm not copying James Charles. This look is inspired by him!" Seokjin screeches at Jimin, who is harshly critiquing his makeup.

"It looks exactly the same. I'm not blind, you dumbass." Jimin rolls his eyes while looking through all the dick pics random guys have sent him on Snapchat.

Jungkook is stuck in the middle of his friends' stupid argument. He's scared that he'll say something wrong and his friends will start attacking him as well.

"That's surprising coming from someone who has probably had cum squirted in his eyes a million times."

"I've never gotten cum in my eyes. Also you don't have enough evidence to make that assumption. Do you spy on me while I hook up with people? Are you a stalker?"

"I'd never want to see your gross asshole getting pounded by some douchebag."

"Ok but I'm sure others would." Jimin smirks at his comeback.

"Come on guys, stop fighting." Jungkook tries to break up his best friends' quarrel. "It doesn't matter if your makeup is copied or inspired. It still looks amazing either way and James could never match the skills of someone as godly as you. And Jimin, it's not nice to attack people because of inspiration. Have you heard the phrase 'good artists borrow, great artists steal'?"

Seokjin and Jimin stop fighting.

"So who's gonna say sorry first?" Jungkook asks.

"Me. I'm so-"

"No I'm gonna say it first! Jimin, I'm so sorr-"

"Shut the fuck it bitch let me apologize to you."

"Not until I get to apologize first."

"No I'm gonna be the one to apologize first!" Jimin stands up from his seat.

Jungkook face palms and exits his friends' dorm.


Haha I'm craving Conan Gray songs.

Also, I recently published a oneshot that I'm really proud of (even though there are three mistakes oops). It's taekook and it's kinky smut so go read if you're into that.

I have another fic called Demon Boy and it's jikook and I'm also fairly proud of it so go check it out if you want :D

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