We just kept walking inside, we found our table, we walked past many other celebrities, then we found the table, i looked who was sitting, there was going from my left, cody, miely, liam. I had never met them, but i obviously knew them from magazines, they where back together now. After that little mess up they had afewyears ago.  justin, selena. I looked back at justin, me half smiled at me, it was cute. I nervously held tight to cody, we sat down.

Justin-cody, its good to see you man

He shook codys hand.

Justin-its good to see you to dani

His eyes where so intense, it kinda made me sad.. i smiled politly.

Cody-nice to see you guys, this is my fionce Danielle


Liam-hi Danielle.


Cody-yeah, shes going to be mrs cody simpson

He smiled at me. He was still holding onto my hand.

Selena-thats so cute, justin and i are arranging afew things arnt we baby.

Justin-uhh yeah.

Miely-aww, thats cute, so Danielle, whens your wedding going to be?

Me-well, i don’t know anything, cody does though.

Cody-febuary, the 20th

Justin-thats soon

Selena-isnt that funny, thats around the time were thinking.

Justin-uhh, yeah excuse me.

Justin got up and left the table.

Cody didn’t say anything to selena, he knew she hadn’t been that nice to me in the past. Selena started death stairing me

Me-cody, im just going to get some air                      

Cody-do you want me to come with you?

Me-no, im okay, thanks

I walked out the large doors of the ballroom. Then  saw justin, walking down around the garden.i missed him, i walked down to which wasn’t as easy in heels. I walked over to justin.

Me-are you okay justin?

He looked back at me, he looked really sad.

Justin-hey dani, yeah im fine

Me-you sure?, you look upset

Justin-well, talking to you is making it abit better.

Me-really, so whats your problem?

Justin-selena, thinks were getting married, just because of me asking once, in the future would we think about it, im not ready, i don’t love her, i thought i did, until tonight, but now im not so sure.

Me-justin,maby you should tell her, im sure she will understand

Justin-why don’t you do the same for cody?

I was confused


Justin-you don’t want to get married to him, i can see it in your eyes.

Me-yes i do!, i love cody!

Justin-you loved me more..

Me-no justin, i try to come and talk to you, to help you and you do this, do you not realise how hard it is, i miss you, so much, i wamt you to hold me the way you used to, but we have both moved on, i have got cody, you have selena.

when my heart tripped (a justin bieber love storyWhere stories live. Discover now